Okies, so I moved this to Sundays, seems to make more sense. Seems a bit quiet, so I’ll spice it up a little.
From last week, in lose chronological order
Went to visit @bentaz and Co. before his road trip. Then one thing lead to another and when a farmer asks to deflate a floater, well, @bentaz, bentaz-jr and I deflated a floater… In hindsight it would have helped to check wind direction.
leftovers from last week
Now, one does not simply hang out with a @bentaz and does not pick up a few shotgun tricks up his sleeve. So cracked this baby out and loaded some thumpers he made for me (by the way, they are for sale if anyone is interested, PM @bentaz).
And the little-big fella got a lesson in shotgun reloading. The other one was happy watching.
What else… Went to local shooting range, rifles 22s only and as always got told off about shooting “more than a shot every 3 seconds” lol.
Tested Savage. Seems alright for a 100+ year old gun. Had a couple of failures to extract, but I am fairly certain it just needs a very good clean, because most of the time it ran very well. I’ll get around to that at some stage.
I decided that scope on BL-22 just pissed me off, so back went the Skinner sight.
Sigh of relief order is restored.
Joined a new pistol club and had a shoot with them during the week. Loving the first impressions so far and even closer to home than the other one.
…and just got home from footy, as I watched Bombers kick the winning goal in the last 44 seconds of the game 
So far, so good. Bring on next week.
Also my Ruger Compact really doesn’t like 22s I buy by the thousands, bit meh about that, have to test more for this one tiny little gun. Grrrr. But that’s okay, it’s just one rifle. Still would have preferred to use one ammo for all 22s.