Show us your milsurp rifles

A mate has about 6 Berthiers…loves them…and still gets 10 shots out in 50 seconds, with the 3 shot clips!! Its fun to watch…

FR8 now your talking…

Milsurps are addictive…my safe seems to jam more and more in…

Why… Doesn’t he understand the more he buys, the less there is for the likes of @Nomis and @Tempestman. And then they complain about lack of young blood in the sport. Like some people who buy every enfield they see, then bitch about no new members. Yeah… About that.

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Damn, did someone piss in your cereal this morning? You seem a bit grumpy.

I have always held this point of view. Also, I don’t eat cereal.

Anyway, so I saw this and it looked interesting so I got it.


@Supaduke happy :slight_smile:


I like it. I have no idea what it is though.

It’s a Cooey 82 single shot 22LR Canadian (military) training rifle, used to train soldiers and cedets back in the day.


Rippa! Come shoot the cadet match with us…

I’d love to, but I’m very time poor over the next few weeks.

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Not rifles but i see some milsurp bayonets have arrived in stock at cleavers if anyone’s interested.

Yeah, this sucks.

Why does it suck?

Cause it costs money.

But gun stuff is why they invented money’s!


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Not when it’s tax time and with all his receipts reconciled he’s just figured out he spent 150k on guns this year :rofl: Don’t worry mate it happens to the best of us :wink:

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I wish. I do want a new pew though. Something that has been on the list for a little bit is 455 Webley.

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To be honest i don’t know how you’ve survived this long without one. It’s time…It’s time.