Show us your milsurp rifles

Well, nice try… Show us yours :slight_smile:

You should chamber the old 303-25 in 455!

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Yeah, 303-25 is useless on so many levels, but I do like that action… Anyway, .455, is one of those (ohhhh I am going to get some shit for this) too whacky, to useless, too old, outdated and just meh kind of cartridges, I would not chamber anything in it. I’d go with 45ACP if anything, but I think I said too much :shushing_face: However, I would love a Webley VI in .455 - it will happen.

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How dare you talk like that about the 1/4 bore 303!! Why not 45 Colt??

Already have a 44.

Now, shooting service comp with Webley in. 455, that’s just cool.

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I was going to say that apart from some family stuff with sentimental value i’m not into those dusty crusty old bangers, but then i realised we’re sitting in the milsurps thread so i’ll amend it to “Sorry i can’t show you mine as i haven’t gotten around to acquiring one of those fantastic old beauties just yet.” :grinning:

But you still need one…you know you do.

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45 ACP Smle yeah baby!!

I am into ALL guns :slight_smile: New, shiny and tactical, old, clunky and dusty, I love them all. Except muzzle loaders, those are filth.


Is T-Bone pretty much the place to go to for milsurp caliber conversions?

I’ve seen a No.4 they converted into 223, and that looked great.

Not sure about goto, but does nice work!

I know it’s not a rifle, but…
I got some early Xmas presents and they came in this.

A 1941 SMLE rifle grenade box.


Toys at the Xmas shoot today!! Great Day!


Hell to the yeah!
Did you get to shoot them?

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Not the M2 but shot, boyes tank rifles heaps. Tim dropped about $2k in ammo with the M2 today, great entertainment! The original WW2 ammo was unreal…dunno how Rambo does it lol

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Not new to the forum but new to me.
My new Styer M95 straight pull.


Lier, not new to you either :stuck_out_tongue:

Well yeah, I’ve shot it on and off for must be close to a decade now, but I’ve never had to clean it before.
:laughing: :rofl: :joy:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Clean guns… I’ve heard it all now, everyone knows guns aren’t something you can clean.

@JSS i bet you’re pedantic on cleaning