Very nice no1. Those KKWs are hard to find.
Here she is, a new addition to my vintage 22 collections. Savage 1908, made 1914 based on serial number.
(open image in new tab for larger photo)
All screws there! All of them, how mad is that LOL! She needs a good clean, inside and out; and off to the range she goes. The previous owners could have taken a better care of it. I just hate seeing “patina” AKA I don’t know how to look after my guns, but all in all I am very happy with it. Freaking sight elevation screw is there, that’s pretty rare. Everything is tight, there, nothing cracked or lose, couldn’t ask for better other than brand new LOL
Wow, now that is REALLY nice. Would you mind telling us how many coins that set you back?
@Bent_arrow total cost was
$595 for rifle and shipping
$25 fee from shop - acting as agent
$25 fee from shop - transfer
$9.20 for PTA
Thus we have an anal rape, but it went in gently and I enjoyed it, total of: $654.20
Single shot, the clip well for the 6.5 has a block insert.
Very nice JS, I paid $950 for my 1st 1903 2nd from the top in my picture with original mag and custom peep sight fitted (it was the 1st one i had ever seen b4 and shoots 50c pcs at 25 meters) and $200 for my other missing mag and has fleur de lis engraving on the butt stock. Good score JS if any1 finds any pumpy 22s and don’t buy them send me a msg or link where I can find em. I have a couple but always want more… Thanks in advance people…
New Ruger Precision Rimfire came today.
Initial impressions.
Looks a bit dinky and ugly from certain angles. Toy like.
Feels solid but build to a price.
The follower in the magazine rattles when empty. Makes it sound cheap and plastic. Which I guess it is.
Metalwork is neat and crisp and slightly agricultural in finish.
Feels bigger when you shoulder it.
Dry fired once to check function. Trigger feels nice.
Overall , seems like a fun toy. Looks bigger when put next to the Lithgow.
Remains to be seen if it will shoot.
Similar price point to the Lithgow. Lithgow is miles ahead for the extra $100-$200.
Bolt is currently stiff and new. Internals and bolt could use some polishing and finesse.
Very Tacticool.
I’m getting an M-Lok laser and HUGE muzzle brake (assuming it doesn’t FK up barrel harmonics) at some point for maximum wank factor. A forward grip however was crossing the line from ridiculous to stupidity.
It’s growing on me, I like it.
I agree it most definitely needs a huge brake!
So as an update.
Tactical M-Lok bipod,
6 o’clock pic rail ready for Tactical laser
Tactical muzzle brake to tame this beast.
Everything I have purchased for this giggle Gatt has Tactical in the name I sh1t you not.
Laser and Tactical Punisher grip to come.
The muzzle brake was from eBay and indexed nicely with a crush washer. All gadgets from eBay. Bipod is actually quite solid and stiff, feels good.
It needs the forward grip. What is that what looks like a little grove on the underside of the muzzle break? All up it looks the goods. Not sure who is winning the Title of most tactical gun on here now? @juststarting with his 7615 is in the running perhaps another thread for the Most Tactical Gun pictures.

It actually says “Armed Forces Laser Sight Module” so obviously legit special forces equipment. At $23 delivered it can’t possibly be a fake.
Legit weapon of mass erection!
Alright, so not new but a little rearrangement was in order. Had a few rounds through it and I thought, while it’s out I may as well… Replaced chunky cheapy red dot with this cool little thing. Fixed x2 Ultralight Leupold, I picked up a couple of weeks ago from Usedguns.
I think it goes well. Photo’s don’t actually do it justice.
…as an added bonus I dug through my tub of parts and what do you know… I had 1" rings with a little Australiana touch.
says ‘Australia’ on them.
Now to sight it in… Ooooo she’s going to be more fun than Sam Lee at Shot Expo.
And here I was thinking all we made was greenhouse gas.
Is it Australian made, or just says Australia
Oh, I’m guessing au made. They are very old.