COVID-19 conspiracy theories

No way, he has a an official blue checkmark from the Ministry of Truth.

EDIT: OMG he actually hears voices in his head telling him about future events, and claims have seen the pommy PMs eyes turn black :rofl:. Okay, that’s too much schizo even for me.

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Fark me. The final scene of Iron Sky :rofl::rofl::rofl:

This is going to sound really callous but I am happy at least that the number of infections in the US will reach the 1M mark and deaths will reach 60,000 -90,000 the number of older people or people with underlining health conditions that die each year from the common Virus A+B Still it has taken two months.

So I am now taking this virus as worse than the common ones that do the rounds of the world each year.

This next part is a little racist but I would of liked to see the virus be more prevalent in parts of the world that do not have a natural process in place of limiting the population growth or at least matched to the parents ability to look after and support their children. Instead for some unexplained reason it just doesn’t seem to be taking off in those countries. The word is Hot and Humid the virus doesn’t like but the difference between Cambodia and Thailand is minimal. Cambodia has a much larger Chinese tourist industry mainly in Casinos so again high density indoor environments.

Or that it has taken off, but everything and everyone is so fucked there anyway, that it’s not reported, there are no capabilities to report and track, etc, You just don’t know. It’s like Russia saying there are only 300 cases. Or China under reporting its numbers.

I have friends in Cambodia that I chat to (some involved in voluntary hospital work) and my wife has a lot of family and friends in Vietnam as well as Cambodia and a Sister in South Korea. So I get so pretty good on the ground type information from these countries.

Certainly in Cambodia I was initially very skeptical but it is a bit like Vietnam they say has as many eyes as a pineapple and they dont have the IT and information control like other countries so if something is happening next to impossible to keep it quite.

I didn’t really mean - keeping it quiet. I meant, no capability to track it well.

Surely they would be able to track a huge increase in people dropping dead from pneumonia…

Maybe these populations simply have a stronger immune response due to not having relied on drugs at a drop of a hat for simple ailments.

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That crossed my mind.

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As Gwion stated it might not be being tested but the hospitals are not filling up with sick people either and despite a lot of the people not having much money they do run to the state hospitals when things are not right.
So much of life is lived on the streets or in public view it is hard to keep quite. They are also notorious gossips.

Could be that borders are closed and nobody is travelling there, so quarantined through side effects or like you said, the climate.

Are there any numbers worth really trusting? What testing system is each entity using and by what metric are they assigning casualties i.e. that fancy new word I learned “comorbidity”…


What do you think of Fauci and Pence self isolating. With every White house staffer being tested at least every day some more than once. It seems strange to me that a person in this position would self isolate without hard evidence. I think that they have tested positive but Mr T doesn’t want the world to know.

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I wouldn’t be surprised, some of the staffers did and trump did a quick backflip on the mask wearing.

Anyone else notice that Google slipped their covid tracing onto your phone without asking?

Yes, my wife has it on hers ,’‘and she is pissed’’ do you know how to remove it? makes you wonder who’s running the show , it wouldn’t be so bad if they had offered a choice to have put on but just to put it on goes against the grain somewhat

I can’t see how to remove it, but it looks like you have to activate it for it to work.
But Yeah its shifty to install it with no warning

Ah, ok then so won’t be any problem then, Thanks

No more than the regular amount of tracking that’s done by your phone anyway.
If your wife’s going out to get up to mischief advise her to leave her phone at home, :grin:

Don’t leave phone at home. Tape it to the pet. :stuck_out_tongue:

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