So after a little bit of a break from reloading, the mood was right and I cranked out about 400 rounds last night on Dillon. Nothing terribly exiting, but this put me in the mood for something kinky
(at $5 per case, eh, they seem like easy cases to make and I already have 24ga brass)
So… Step 1: chop chop.
I got this within +/- 1mm with a pipe cutter. I immediately told my wife to call all local synagogues and inform them that I am ready for service at half the price and twice the precision. She was mildly amused, but I thought I was funny.
The Snider 577 reloading kit. Yeah, a blow torch, pipe cutter and a non-specific deburring tool, because 50cal deburring tool is just not big enough.
Annealed (that’s the socket and electric screwdriver) and started to form, just enough to chamber.
A very slight tapper after forming, but this is misleading.
Lots of care has to be taken here, because it’s very easy to ‘pop’ a case, i.e. split it. As I have learnt. About 5 times. Since I have no idea how they are going to form, I just did the absolute minimum to chamber. Fire-forming will take care of the rest.
For comparison, that tiny little thing inside is a 44MAG cartridge.
So, formed. Annealed again. Primed. Thinking tonight I will charge them, maybe.