What I did in guns this week.

Nice Kifaru mate, what bag do you run on that frame?

I shot western action yesterday, only with a 1911-22, a chiapa little badger and my Berika navy seal.
It was heaps fun. I let the fellas put a bunch of rounds through the berika and my shs stp12 and talked up the idea of a practical shotgun match which seemed to go over well.
Shot a couple of quick tyro matches this morning then spents some time coaching a couple of new shooters with both the 22 pistols and bolt action 22.
When I got home I put in a PTA for another shotgun, been a good few days really.

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I actually have a penchant for cutting off the ballsacks and squeezing out the nuts of the male animals I shoot for my leatherwork, and I have seen that on a pig I shot right through through the anus. Was a red dot on the 450 bushmaster at about 40m so cant claim to have aimed at it, (was 4.30am so a few beers in) but it had either scratched its balls up real bad or had some kind of disease. I washed my hands though so Im good.

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Congrats on the child, what gender did you assign it?

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Why does this not surprise me…

Ive done that to a roo but there is no way I could ever squeeze out the balls they were to big to get out of the sack whole. It was not a one off case either as I tried a few others as well. I had to put the ball sack in the vice and squash the balls to get them out. Good thing for the roo he was never going to get a hernia from being kicked in the balls.


I shot Rimfire Benchrest on Saturday, shot some pistols this morning, accepted the nomination to club scorer for the pistol club, we’ll see what happens at the AGM next month. I picked up my latest shotgun this arvo.
Bakail single barrel named Natasha.

We, named her!

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You need some more Baikal ammo for it. Want some?

Ive still got the box you gave me mate

I’ve shot 22 rifle ipsc. I didn’t win per se but in my own way i did. @Supaduke :fu:


I stupidly took possession of the pistol club scorers computer and have been trying to sort out the fuckfight I’ve inherited.
Put in the application for my full Cat H, second time I’ve done that because I fucked it first time around.
Took my nephew out yesterday to shoot .22 benchrest, I shot 198. Something out of 200 with my old Annie and a fixed 4x. Nephew shot a perfect 200 with his shiny new Tikka .22.


Little bit of load development…

In a nice 45ACP GI load range. I’m good. Felt pretty mild after an evening on a 44 (4") :slight_smile: