What I did in guns this week.

I think you need a 25x, you want to be able to see the grains in the paper you’re punching.

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Today was a 44 kind of evening. 4" of thunder. Yeah!

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I just collected the last of my stuff from my house in Victoria, including some reloading stuff and my large scrap lead collection. Ill be able to start casting again now.


I shot rimfire metallic silhouette this morning.
Fuck me do I suck, thats all I have to say about it!


So this week… It was cold and wet and I said nah! Saturday is kiddlet day, 300-with-change rounds within 2 hours. Very impressive, also, ouch. Thankfully he’s happy on 22, but today he discovered 357 pump action. Smile alone was worrh it after smashing steel with it.


Shot some western action this morning. Just the shooting, no dressing up in arseless chaps, although I did come up with a great ‘Handle’, my cowboy name is Brokeback Mountainman.
We shot two stages, second one a speed round. I had the best time in the first round, second best on the speed round and best combined time.
That is until rick, who was RO’ing and whos guns we all used ran the course and destroyed my score by 15 sec, but he didn’t write it on the scoresheet so the win goes to Brokeback!


I got my arse wooped in (IPSC) 22 practical rifle today. Almost entire cohort with 515s. I need to pull my finger out and take things more seriously, instead of yelling there are no walk throughs on the streets and operators don’t do walkthroughs and going into the stage blind lol. That said, some talented guys rocked up and oh my, oh dear did I get whooped. But also, super happy to get that next level of competence in the range to push the whole group up in skill. @Supaduke and @sungazer lost pretty bad too today. Mostly because they didn’t come!

@bentaz jokes aside, I recon it’s your discipline. It has 100% of everything you do. Vintage gun - check. Trail Boss - check. Variety - check. Shotgun - check. Cast bullets - check. I think you’ve found your niche :slight_smile: From memory the rules say something like minimum 2 items of period clothing? So, like boots and flanny or maybe a sherif badge, etc. There are people who take it to the next level, but technically within rules, you don’t need to dress up beyond what your hillbilly arse wears daily.


Its plenty of fun, but I wouldnt travel around to do it.
I just cant wait to have the funs to shoot everything on the calendar at my club. Only 4 more months of my P’s and I can start collecting.
This week I also got my pistol safe bolted bolted in, I’ll make the call today and organise an inspection then I can chuck my first 2 PTA’s in for these lil’ fella’s


did you put a timber top on the bench as i would think the alloy would damage the rifle huh mm great idea i will get me one to just hope they are adjustable for height, they should come with a fatman chair hehe

Disgustingly, I’ve been looking at lever actions.
I might just buy a western action set of guns in .22, i dont really see the point in .357s etc when they are loaded down to pathetic levels.
Anyway, i have a few months till I get my full Cat-H so theres thinking time still.

I had the senior fun police from Coffs Harbour come up today to do my pistolsafe inspection, apparently my mega arsonal of 30 odd Cat AB’sneeds the attention of the big fella, when all I should of needed was a local guy to drop around. It went fine, he was a good bloke and shooter and my security is way beyond what i need, so all was good.
I now have everything I need to put in myfirst 2 pistol PTA’s.
Fuck yeah, praise the lord (John M Browning) and pass the fuckin’ pistol ammo!


Did someone say assless chaps?

I shot the swervice match and cleared the final stage for the first time. “Could you repeat the score please R.O.?”

“10 10, 10 10, 10 10. Target two; 10 10 ,10 10 , 10 10. Its your shout smartarse”


I shot classic today. I put holes in paper. It all went pew pew pew.

Shot the PDPeePee, still awful due to anticipated recoil but at least it’s sighted in now

The Glock red dot was about 30cm off target at 10m but I made absolutely no effort to sight it in. Waiting for the ebay vice thingo to push the red dot into the middle then I’ll try fixing it.

A few of us went out to a mates property for the weekend and played with lots of toys, many many ammunitions were harmed during the making of this event, many laughs were had and alcohols drunk.

Also got to play with the thermals including a mates thermal Mavic drone which is awesome, all I can say is the furry things don’t stand a chance anymore. It went a little like this, while sitting around the firepit at the house just send the drone up high to scan the property without scaring things, leave it up there to keep watch while you jump in the cars or quads & head over to the target (in this case wild dogs were top of the menu), then introduce poochies to the thermal scopes and head back to the firepit to relax & repeat a bit later.

Best weekend I’ve had for a while.


Sounds like a good weekend mate. Im glad thermal gear is fucking expensive or there’d be nothing left to hunt soon.


I agree, it’s a pisser if you’re culling or doing pest control. But 100% unfair and cheating for a hunt because absolutely nothing can hide, not even mice. We chose not to bother the two herds of deer we saw (including the big bucks lol) or even the mobs of roos, he has no stock on the property it’s just an escape place for his family so the deer & roos help to keep the brush & grass in check.

Alright, this is a first for me.
Put about 150 rounds through the Creedmoor on the weekend and just getting around to cleaning it.

Note, This pic is of my last 10 shot chrony reading and the thing was shooting lasers.

This came out with the first copper swab. I can’t believe how well it was going with this booger in it.


Single digits SDs, fooook me, you should be paid to be giving autism lessons.


I pretty much do, but only in tyres.

Well this week I shot a Los Alamedos match and came second out of 6 shooters. Pretty happy with that, ISSF was on the calendar, ain’t no one got 147 hrs to shoot 5 rounds so i got there early and just set up for the match I wanted to shoot.

I put in the digital paperwork to add Cat H to my license as my Probationary permit expires soon and I checked the status of my first pistol PTA’s about 500 times, even though I know they are weeks away.