What I did in guns this week.


And that’s all I got to say on that.

Remember the abuse we used to give to boris, the little bakail? The 900 gn double ball loads?
This thing has 3in chamber and the walls of the breach are seriously 10mm think, its built like a tank and should love those loads too!

I remember lol.

I flooded WLB with PTAs this morning. Will probably have the armed SERT team here shortly to supress a suspected new militia trying to arm itself :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Thats how you know your doing life right!

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I just picked up the two 12ga from yesterday and the guy tells me after I left yeasterday they discussed it and they want me to adopt a bunch of old shotguns.
Its a hard life.


Dropped off the provisional handgun license application at VicPol today. Never been more excited for a small bit of plastic


Dropped of? Not online and mail ?

There has been a few mystery disappearances of thongs and shoes from the back door and the dog has been ruled out. The next suspect is young foxes. This week I removed one of those suspects from the list It wont bring back the shoes but may save a chicken or two.


One of my dogs steals socks (yes, exclusively socks) and then brings them back as a bartering tool to swap for scratches or treats lmao


Pups used to take shoes and leave them around the back yard in her favorite sitting spots but these have gone and she was inside the nights they went missing. Which probably also allowed a fox to get right next to the house.
She has now grown out of kleptomania and shoe sitting.

Big gun week for me, this week I continued my shopping, a bunch of PTA’s came through so i picked up a few guns, I found a little 4" pro series S&W 686 which I’ll go back up the coast to pick up Tuesday. I ordered another red dot from Xhunter, I actually cant remember what sort it is now so it will be like a Xmas surprise when it turns up.
I browsed usedguns this morning and accidentally found & bought a another bloody Glock, not because i need it but just because it was a bargain, It happened to be very local so I’m picking it up tomorrow morning, for a gun I claim to not really like I seem to have a few of them lol. It kind of reminds me of my Mrs when she says she HAD to buy something because it was on sale :rofl:
I also cracked a bit of sweat as i put in a new raised slab downstairs to accommodate the new safe that is arriving next week.
Also my new corrected collectors lic came back this week which actually has the right condition codes on it now… You definitely don’t need to be a rocket scientist to work at WLB. :laughing:

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Went for my first shoot in ages last Saturday, then again Wednesday, and going again tomorrow. Did a bit of function testing on the new stuff after adding trigger kits etc, also sighted in the red dot on the little Taurus TX22, that thing is a good bit of fun and accurate as hell. Sighting the dot on the Charger tomorrow. Slowly getting things back to normal lol.

Ohhh and I picked up my new big safe today all 430kgs of it, and I have to say it’s spectacular, once I got it unwrapped I did sit there and bask in it’s glory for a minute :wink:.

Now I just have to get the bugger in place up on a 400mm high pad, but that’s a job for Monday.

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Application (H) approved… Young bloke, 1 officially a card carrying member! W00t! So that’s exciting. Glad I resupplied on 22s. 1 down, 1 to go (not so soon, but soon enough).

All up, minus about a month and a half including resubmitting corrected document. Not bad. Now, to book into A&B safety, those are weekly, so that’s easy. Interestingly enough, in VIC, I read that once safety for specific category is done you just add a category to existing junior licence rather than full paperwork again. I will test it out.


I bet the young fella’s excited! :nerd_face::+1:

I actually shota gun this morning, itll been a bloody while.
Shitty rainy morning, but we managed to put a few down range at the pistol club.


Noice! What ya shoot?

Yesterday just had a quick plink at 25, but the suns out again so went in this morning and shot a few Tyro matches.
Good bunch of blokes at my club, i went in the wrong car (stepdaughter doing L plate hours on drive to school) and didnt take my bloody keys. Told the lads im happy to just watch and have a yarn, but was instantly swamped with hearing pro, boxes of ammo, glasses and a choice of guns to use.
Thanks lads!


I haven’t shot pistols in months. Hopefully back this month!

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Is that when your club opens again?
I know you’ve been flat out working there for ages.