What I did in guns this week.

Thanks mate :+1:

And completely agree about OGL, good to see everyone’s passion about different types of shooting and can come together even though we do shoot different things. There’s none of that shotgunners hating pistol shooters who hate rifle shooters who hate hunters going on.


Well this week was a good one in guns. Had a great plinking session with JS and family which then extended into a hunting session with the result in late night butchering of a roo. There were a few injuries incurred mainly to being an old man. But great fun being out there doing it.


Sized and primed 200 310 cadet cases, and loaded 30 for next Sunday…My converted 32-20 Starline shoot, and function the best!!


…but also @juststarting being a little too slashy with his knife. Ooops.

After only a few minutes before warning me to be careful and not cut you! :laughing: :grimacing:

Oh, I see you’ve played knifey-spoony before!

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I took the CZ MTR down to the range for a quiet solo plink session. Perfect conditions and some much welcomed sunshine

Such a damn accurate rifle. I started pinging spent cases wedged into the top of the target.

These were the only ones I could find.

Good session.


Finally finished unpacking, cleaning rifles and cases from the weekend.
SSAA BPCR Silhouette Nationals at Rankins Springs that I foolishly put my hand up to organise and run…A lot of work but we had a full house of 32 shooters which is all the range can handle for the match. We had shooters from all States except the N.T.
We ran a 40 shot .22 match each morning and a 40 shot BPCR match afterwards. The .22 match is shot on 1/2 scale targets with chickens at 50m, pigs at 100m, turkeys at 150m and the rams at 200m with iron sights. The BPCR is shot on full size targets at 200, 300, 385 and 500m. In all BPCR silhouette, the chickens are shot off-hand , the rest are shot prone or sitting using cross-sticks
Saturday morning in the .22 match I shot a 32/40 (3rd place), with my BSA 1215 Martini, my 17 year old son beat me with a 35 for 1st.
The BPCR match was an “any sight” match, which allows for the use of traditional scopes. I went to the line and laid down only to realise I hadn’t fitted my scope. In a mad panic I jumped up, ran to my ute, grabbed the scope, and rushed back to then fiddle around during the 30 second ready period fitting it up. Sight settings from the last time I used it in 2019 were way off so I soaked up all of the two minutes of sighting time just madly winding the adjustments to get somewhere near the target. (385m turkeys). Not a great start to the match and it didn’t get much better for the rest of it. Trying to sight in during a match isn’t the best way to get a good score. I finished with only 18/40, 4th place in Master grade, not happy. The last time I shot a scoped match I won the S.A State titles with a 31/40.

Sunday morning, the wind was up, the dust was blowing and it look like it was going to be an interesting day. I improved my .22 score with a 33 for equal 1st, my son got a 32 for 3rd. He won the aggregate, I got second.

Now was time for the main match, BPCR Iron-sight National. My off-hand shooting with these rifles has gone to shit with my back issues, holding a 12lb 30" heavy barrelled rifle up just isn’t good at the moment, so zero chickens. I shoot prone for the rest and got 9 pigs, 9 turkeys and 8 rams to finish with a 26. This put me equal first but then down to second on a count back on, you guessed it, chickens.

So, equal high gun, 2nd National and winner of aggregate. (the scope match isn’t counted as not everyone has a scope) Not a bad result considering that running the match took precedent over just concentrating on shooting. Overall a great weekend, no complaints, no protests, everyone pitched in and helped set up and pack up. I managed to get some really good donations for the prize table and every shooter got something. (I missed out on the $400 ice box)

Winners are grinners. Ashlea (who beat me on a countback), Tim (National discipline chairman) Me


Great work mate, on the event if not all the scores.
Its so easy to forget how much work goes into these things.

Scored a Field mount for my Skippy…(25-303)…

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Made it to practical shotgun… Had a pretty bad run with equipment, including recoil claiming its victim.

Luckily @Supaduke was there, so I borrowed his shotgun and kicked ass!

:palm_down_hand: :microphone:

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Bummer, what brand of dot was it? i hope you didn’t outshoot @Supaduke with his own gun :laughing:

Some cheap shit that came on a second hand gun from years ago. It had a hard life.

Regarding shooting, I’m not allowd to say or he wont lend me his gun again. :slight_smile:


He may have beat me but there was cheating involved with gear advantages.

But at least the gun performed well



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Early morning task ahead…


Just let me know what time lunch is…

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Drowned my gun in inox and thank f*ck for air compressor! Drenched! Thats what a few of us did this week :slight_smile:

Got in a rage looking for something I hadn’t seen since moving six weeks ago.

Topped out two packing boxes on the garage floor. One had all my carefully sorted brass in it… FML

Need to bribe the kids to sort it again…

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