What I did in guns this week.

Braidwood area, about 50k’s east of Canberra towards the coast.

That would be nice around there. Plenty of deer around there?

It’s a very nice place, we had a farm there many years ago, there’s some great shooting in the area too.


Yeah mate, heaps of deer , pigs too. :+1:

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hollis shotgun with bp shells


Looks sweet mate

Very nice photo, good eye.

That’s awesome! I miss shotgunning vermin…

If my slightly inebriated eye’s are working correctly, that’s your Baikal you got some time back mate. Appears you have got her barrels adjusted nicely and have taken some good feeds with her mate. I really like that girl, she’s sexy imo. :beers:

Nah,sorry,this is an old hollis and sons I picked up this year. The baikal is long gone

So It’s confirmed, 18 beers can impair brain function. I was way off. Lol

Another one down for the hollis


And another one…this gun is on fire


Well, it’s not really Sunday, but since I am on leave - every day is a Sunday. I did some reloading for all sorts of weird things. I stocked up on pistol powder that I am hoping will see me through until things with ADI powders stabilise. I stocked up on primers… Because… Well, next year is going to be tough with these things. And I spent a few hours shooting today. Yeah!

And possibly more reloading tonight. :smiley:


Living the dream mate. Nice one.

Put food in the freezer this morning. Yes its a bit small but its meat and my freezer was low o venison. Will feed my family for a few meals anyway


Will taste delicious mate

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Yep it will be. And it gave me a 10m shot so why pass that up ?


You’d need a slap if you did

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