The democratic people's republic of WA - updates

I read in a West article yesterday that Labor themselves are going to refer it to a legislative committee and likely won’t have it passed until August. They have only ever done that once before since taking the majority. I am hoping they are just using the introduction as their PR stunt and then let it die quietly after the committee review when the general public has moved on.

Anyway, not something I was expecting from them so extremely suss as to the motive.


My guess is WA Crown Law have told them it’s not entirely legal and that there are bound to be court cases that they’ll lose over the thievery which will cost them lots, make them look like fools, and possibly even get some parts of their legislation overturned. Either that or like you said it’s a sneaky little trick.


The thing that surprises me is some of the legislation is so obviously not going to pass muster (especially the whole “giving people a fraction of the value of the guns that WAPOL gave them a permit for in the first place” thing) that I can’t help but wonder if there’s some 4D chess thing going in within the WA ALP.

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God willing. The property letter issue as proposed is totally unworkable

And minister Papalia has passion fingers

I really don’t get (OK, I mean I do, but you know what I mean) why they didn’t just go with what every other state did - join a shooting club (any shooting club, even an independent range) and if you can get permission from a landowner to go hunting on their land, great. None of this “property letter” stuff.

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We (Vic) don’t have to join any club, thank you very much.

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To clarify, joining club in general is bs, that’s not to say it’s not fun, but as a requirement… For hunting… BS


As per most gov, they introduce a requirement people adapt, then they scream people have found a loophole, then make more legislation instead at looking at the initial problem.

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The insanity in the draft laws is you can have a firearm licensed to hunt at one property then another firearm licensed to target shoot at another property

But can take either to a range

Some guys are looking at it thinking I’m actually going to have to get another three firearms in addition to my current three so I can target shoot and hunt…

Its the whole fucking thing including the bullshit system you already have.


Appears they really are retarded


Soooooooooooo 25 firearms?


I didn’t pick that one up. Nice

Good luck with that interpretation


No idea if that link will work but appears Roger Cooks Facebook announcement is getting torched in the comments

Usually they are much better at cleaning up and blocking

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no link here

The WA police can’t say the license status of firearms involved in firearms related incidents. Wouldn’t that mean they are all unlicensed if they aren’t in the system ?

  1. Hon LOUISE KINGSTON to the minister representing the Minister for Police: I refer to the minister’s response to question on notice 1752 regarding reported incidents involving a firearm, to which the minister did not provide information on incidents involving unlicensed firearms. (1) Of the 517 incidents reported in 2023, how many involved an unlicenced firearm? (2) How many of those offences were committed by a person without a firearms licence? Hon STEPHEN DAWSON replied: I thank the honourable member for some notice of the question. The following information has been provided to me by the Minister for Police. (1)–(2) The Western Australia Police Force advises that the firearms licence status of the firearms involved in the recorded incidents are unable to be provided due to recording limitations, and that the firearm or firearms involved are not always recovered by police for every incident.

They also don’t want to dob in the dealers that gave them the ridiculous by back prices.

  1. Hon WILSON TUCKER to the minister representing the Minister for Police: I refer to the government’s firearm buyback compensation scheme. What peak bodies or industry experts did the government consult to determine the appropriate buyback fee payable for the scheme? Hon STEPHEN DAWSON replied: I thank the honourable member for some notice of the question. The following information has been provided to me by the Minister for Police. The Western Australia Police Force advises that due to confidentiality agreements, the agency is unable to provide the requested details regarding the consultation participants. These agreements were made with industry stakeholders, who were consulted to determine the appropriate buyback fees payable for the scheme. Due to confidentiality and privacy concerns, the requested details may cause commercial impact and potential risks to their businesses.

The also confirmed paintball markers are included in the total firearms numbers they have been sprouting, this is bound to also include licensed gel blasters now they are firearms to.

This is just sad.

The below vote wasn’t on any particular item within the firearms legislation but just to send the legislation through the Standing Committee of Legislation ( review the entire content and impacts of the legislation) instead of just the Standing Committee of Uniform Legislation (which only ensure the formatting and other non technical items of the legislation are reviewed) but as you can see the current majority of the LA have no interest on getting it right.

And this is the response from the police minister when questioned about the statistics and reasoning used for the legislation


Hansard link

I am feeling much safer

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