The democratic people's republic of WA - updates

I agree, it’s all gone extremely tribal. And if you’re not in my tribe then fuck you, i hate you and anything and everything you have to say or stand for, and i refuse to enter a civil debate or listen.

This just can’t end well for anyone… Apart from those who’ve manufactured this new culture.


So a total of 15 guns if you shoot pistols and long gun target and hunt!
I don’t think I could look at myself in the mirror or be friends with someone like that!

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It’s all speculative now, isn’t it?

At this point yes but definately thier wishlist does include limits.

On a good note, just saw some random dude walking through the office with ammo boxes under his arm. Got a nod and a Good work from me.

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Should have the proposed bill this week.

If it does pass i think i might offer the guns i have to get rid of real cheap to new licensee’s just to get more people in the sport and show no net reduction of guns.

Yeah, it’ll show them.

I like the idea. Hes already in a lose lose situation. His small protest by its own wont make a blip or be noticeable but the self empowering feeling of giving the Man the F You is worth it. :grinning: :+1:t6:


Well, that’s half my guns gone.

Will switch a 22 and the lever 357 from hunt to target

Might get compensation or give away the Adler straight pull

Then I can buy a 300wm

And five more pistols

That’s if it’s 5 rec hunt shoot plus 10 comp…

Some say it’s 10 regardless

The FAQ i posted above says 10 max per individual.
MIght just donate my extras to club. At least I will get to see people still enjoy them.

I am surprised @bentaz hasn’t moderated our self inflicted commie whinge thread into non existence though…

The current FAQ’s can be read here.

Yeah I reckon my buckmark, Ruger American 22, Adler straight pull are going.

To the pistol club and friends

Eldest son is only 9 and wife isn’t into them

If she really loved you she’d get her license!

And @Gregfiddich you’re not even going to be allowed to write gun on the internet from Westerstan soon so I’ll leave you guys alone from now on.
But just know that we have tires in Australia and you genuinely would be welcome in my home and my country mate!


Look on the bright side (not) at least all those prior threads of “If you could only have 5 guns what would they be?” may have been worthwhile and made you think about priorities and which guns are actually better than the one next to it. (for your specific purpose)

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Well they’ve exceeded expectations, in a bad way


I’ve just had a read through the whole thing. It’s bad. Really, really bad.


Saw that and had a serious “WTF” moment.

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