The big fat COVID-19 thread.

It’s not an infection, @sungazer, it’s a symptom. Wife had the same, I had a very mild version of that. Couple of days and you will be fine. In the meantime, while you are playing the isolation game - try not to lose your shit. And let me know if you need something, can drop it off - I can officially be re-exposed :slight_smile:

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It’s weird, my stepdaughter had all the symptoms, and thought she may have been in contact with an infected person, so quarantined took a RAT test, then PCR both negative!! Go figure??

Don’t you know, @MaxJon, other ailments don’t exist any more. It’s just covaids.

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Thanks for the well wishes guys. JS I get that the sore throat is a symptom however I seem to have a thing with infected throat. It seems to be the main thing I come down with rather than any other complaints when I get sick.

Chronic tonsillitis right here! Lol

I think I can legally talk about mine now. I tested positive 60sec before it became mandatory to report. I sailed through it, wife was out of action for three weeks.
12 hours I had a fever, that was all. Kids all tested positive as well asymptomatic. I have lost some lung capacity, I puff out way easier than before. Fat bastard and sufferer of bronchitis and vascular issues but still noticibly different. Ill just work harder and puff out more and more until body resumes normal programming I guess.


Mowed the lawn today. Fark man, can really feel it. It will need mowing again in four days with this tropical rain. I am going to experiment wirh a host of antihistamines and report back.

P.S. i bought a cordless whipper snipper and ITS AWESOME!

Mate this is your perfect excuse to get a “lawn bloke”. Nothing better than seeing you lawn all purdy and freshy weeded & mowed every friday and not having lifted a finger. :grin:

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Betoota satire just hits the right spot sometimes.


That is a bit of a strange article but as someone living in WA i think its time to rip the bandaid off and get it over with, with over 100 cases the ship has sailed

As someone living in WA you probably haven’t been exposed to political satire :slightly_smiling_face:


The WA satire page bell tower times hasn’t removed its mouth from mcgowans dick long enough to do anything funny lately.

it’s waaaaay funnier when it does get something out though, some weird shitney woke wanna be journo talking about anti aircraft weapons is just strange to me, but i am the minority i can see haha


Finally a government somewhere is targeting misinformation.


So what’s happening in WA now? Are there still lockdowns? Mandatory masks everywhere?

there’s this:

state recorded more than 8000 new cases overnight.

So, first of all, well-done to all participants, those are reasonable numbers for population size, all that for no reward… Buuuut, who doesn’t like ultimate power.

Anyway, what are the current rules there?

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Masks indoors and some capacity rules and vax checks at hospitality venues, still got the QR checkins as well

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Limit of 10 people in a house, no events greater than 500 people unless exempt by dear leader.

Oh and Anzac day restrictions due to capacity issues but the footy is okay to have 30k people.


Cant interfere with religion.