The big fat COVID-19 thread.

You’re not wrong mate.
The only person working hard for the L N Pee Pee in the soviet socialist shitpublic of victomstan is danger Dan, those other fucktards can’t even drive home from the pub let alone drive public opinion!
I’m surprised anyone even knows who that Mathew Guy even is!

He was the ‘lobster with a mobster’ bloke.

Totes corrupt wanker

Still haven’t heard any policy from him just shit slinging. Much like his predecessor

Sounds like most of the others, pretty much all the same!

All of the fuckers.

Snouts in the trough :man_facepalming:

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Being stuck in ICU is fucking boring, no visitors etc, had my elderly Mum come by , couldn’t get an exemption to sit in cafeteria. Could get takeaway and sit outside near the COVID testing station…rules made by idiots.
COVID ICU is the other side of the ward. Perfectly safe.

If you have been putting off a gp visit because of corona - don’t . I nearly died waiting for things to calm down.

What’s going on @Wombat old mate? Did I miss something important?

I had heart failure. Less than 10% flow, no Wonder I felt tired. Close to dying.

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Fark n hell mate, that’s really not good at all. I hope your getting some good care and mending well.

Did you get the vaccine @Wombat?

Yes got the phizzzer. But nothing to do with this.

Nah, that just means the vaccine is working.
(Im just kidding :slight_smile: )

MEANWHILE…the forecast for Melbourne today, a perfect 24 degrees and dry with a likely chance of police brutality.


Later after the cool change there will be rain and possibly hail.
It’ll be raining blow, with a hail of rubber bullets. Better tell your Nana’s to stay inside today!

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Was wondering why WA declared a Public Health state of emergency on Sep 21 in addition to the state of emergency declared in Mar 20.

I think I found the bit of power they were after

Bit of a worry that this act literally allows for any medical treatments to be forced on people.


So all of this covid shit has just been so that the little fuhrer can forcibly remove your undies and examine Uranus!
You sure do live in a stupid country mate!

I’ll resist by not wiping for a week.


NT Freedoms.


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Welcome to the future comrade :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob:
Long live the dictator

Just got my second dose of aids, nurse didn’t seemed fussed that I was not giving legal consent.

wtf you on about, you were there, ready and willing.