The big fat COVID-19 thread.

Bugger, it is about the Victorian police arresting a pregnant woman over her post on FB. Charged her with inciting others to meet and protest the lock down and state of emergency.

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Well, it’s a lot easier to arrest a country girl without funds to fight it, than say Sam Newman, who did exactly the same thing… You know. …or stopping the BLM from doing the same. Nah, that’s not how incompetent dan works.

This may give further information.

She is being made an example of.

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In what way, @Nomis?

Lots of news outlets around the world picked it up…

Victoria. You deserve what you tolerate.

I mean this in a constructive way too.

That’s an absolute load of shit of a statement lol

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We all deserve what we tolerate.

It’s a very shallow statement, is what I am trying to say, in this instance, that lacks nuances of reality.

One of the meanings of ‘tolerate’ is to ‘accept without interference (some kind of) adversity’. The interference might be what communists might call ‘civil disobedience’ in the current reality, for instance.

It’s one thing to sit there and let a bully take your money, but it’s another to fight back even though you might get hurt and your lunch money taken anyway. In the first instance, you deserved to have lost what could be so easily taken. You know perhaps what Im really trying to say is ‘You get what you %&@$ deserve’ in a nuanced way.


I don’t need the definition, I am just saying it lacks depth like consideration of reality.

I think the public have accepted failure from their leaders in dealing with Covid, and so many are putting up with what has effectively caused the destruction of the economy and the livelihoods of so many without even daring to rip a fart in the general direction of Spring Street: failing to take advantage of the Federal gubbermint offer of soldiers to provide security to the hotel quarantine and instead filling them with horny foreign students with a crowd control ticket.

(also I edited the previous reply after you had responded)

Absolutely. However, we are a nation of law and order and election will be the grand reveal.

Protesting, as you are gently suggesting will achieve absolutely zero. Like I said, there is reality subtext that your statement is missing.

Reality is what you make it I guess. I wouldn’t recommend anyone go to the protest though. There are other ways but they require people to get up and make it happen.

postal votes, no doubt :grin:


Speaking of which, another arrest of someone on faceberg saying they were going to attend the protest tomorrow. Even brought out the enforcer and will need the services of a covid compliant carpenter now. Poor bugger, gotta watch what you say in Victoria.

I think he did a little more than say he was going to attend -

FFS! You’d think that the media would provide one solid piece of the story among all that backstory. A screenshot? The actual charges? Bloody hell.

“The media is not your friend” - Chris Cuomo, massive media figure at CNN.

Just hurry up and turn into zombies so we can make the problem go away :slight_smile:

I’m presenting a plan, but I don’t know what it looks like. #istupidwithdan