The big fat COVID-19 thread.

To be fair you really should back date it to include all the months you never bought a gun before you got your licence too…you know, in the interest of fairness & all.



So glad Qld’s relaxing the rules a bit. Going for a dirt bike ride with some mates tomorrow & then a lap of Bribie on the skis on Sunday.
Just finished washing & changing the oil in them both, gear is sorted and the car is packed, not that i’m excited at all.


Wellllll I don’t want to rub it in but as of 20 minutes ago WA gun shops are opened for normal trading. The worse part is I’m out on the farm and can’t get in. Guess you take the good with the bad.


Who would have ever thought that WA will be the leaders in freedom for shooters. Good on 'em!!!

Even though they’re now technically allowed to be open, most of the outdoor ranges here are still not operating…bunch of pussies.

This is the official announcement from WA, in the interests of making sure we provide facts rather than “This is what I heard on the internet” :slight_smile:


Ill just leave this here, it’s a bit of a laugh. :stuck_out_tongue:


At least you will have a couple half decent footy teams over there soon!

Can we please leave them there?

Didn’t know there was such a thing as a decent footy team, or even a half decent one. Best if we leave them over there and send you 2 from here as compensation.

Lets just send them all to Qld.

Send 'em up, we can always use more bait for the crab pots.

More like teach you guys what real footy is.

Hey at least when we have a draw in a grand final we don’t stop the game and come back again next week to try again.

And yes as a Saints supporter that hurt bad…it hurt REAL bad.

Well, I just watched a game, win!

@juststarting have you/the family got masks? Have you seen many people around wearing them?

There are a few more people that I do see with masks, but only just. I dropped by kinder today and I haven’t noticed any parent wearing masks. I went to Bunnings on Sunday, around 4pm, maybe. All staff were wearing gloves, masks, some were wearing face shields. Customers, not so much. Local supermarkets and bakery, not really. People are mindful and keep their distance.

We have masks, well before covid, I cast in garage, so I had use for them well before… Proper P2 masks too… And my family have long advocated for masks, well before covid, mostly when I am around lol. I see masks at Bunnings now for sale, no shortage.

Speaking of masks, it’s probably worth mentioning that material density plays a big role, since some particles can make it through. Surgical mask I recall is not really useful, while P2 is up there in risk reduction. I am not sure what Bunnings sells. Both help I suppose, one is just a car with air bags and seatbelts and ABS and crumple zones. The other is motorbike with a helmet. Both will reduce the risk, one will do so better than the other.

I am probably the wrong person to ask however… I don’t wear a mask. And I am not in situations where I would need to. I work from home full time, I (not wife) go grocery shopping late in the evening, 9pm+ is not uncommon, normal for me, so I don’t actually run into many people. And I live in what I would say is not a high density area, at the opposite end of the city to Lapperville. So, I am probably the wrong representative sample.

As for the whole commotion here… I don’t buy it, after 10k+ green voters selfish bums went to protest, it’s the handful of the security guards who started this. Unless there are some serious social butterflies amongst those guards… It’s probably “a” cause and ‘maybe’ a scape goat for a bigger cause? The way andrews handles things, it wouldn’t surprise me.

Exhibit A:

Most people I’ve spoken to share this opinion.

If you look at the likelihood of who would go to those protests and where they are from in Melbourne, the timeline - I think the hotspots present a really good indicator. #notaracist As for the commission flats, I’d also add that they are freaking incubators. People use common areas, lifts, etc. I am not surprised this is the case, however I am very surprised that masks weren’t advocated in those places from day one; like they have been (mandatory) in Europe, with similar density living arrangements.

I doubt there is broad community transmission, outside of those areas.

By the way, the reason our medical ‘people’ didn’t advocate masks (well, now they do, lol, what a joke), is because they thought that wearing them will make people relaxed and forget about social distancing. Yep. go figure, I didn’t realise they were behavioural psychologists as well, but there you go. Anyhow, vic gov has throughly screwed the pooch here.

But don’t worry everyone, we’ve exported enough people just before lockdown, to make our frustrations felt your way :slight_smile: Soooooon. I would stock up on DIY projects :slight_smile:

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Fair enough. We have bought masks in the last few days just in case. Don’t think we will end up using them but who knows.

I doubt we will ever know for certain where the second wave started from. I think it’s likely a mix of those protests, horny security guards and a bunch of other factors. I haven’t heard the government comment or speculate where the outbreak came from but maybe I missed it.

They definitely have… Few reports with tracing suggests quarantine hotels… It’s not a bad idea to have a few masks.