Show us your milsurp rifles

When are they?

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Mid April mate…keep an eye out for news letter. Warnambool open shoot on the 23rd Jan too…which is a great shoot, I’m going.

Maturing? Eh?

Getting some military goodness into you! Maturing nicely lol

Oh, right, not quite, I have a respectable milsurp collection :wink: Lately been shooting more modern stuff, but, nope, I do have one or two.

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Good stuff mate! I forgot you gave me a shot of your 577/450 MH! They are awesome! But I did like your CZ515 very much also, but I probably wont buy one.

Well, you can’t have mine!

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I will have the Martini!!

Bottle shops are still open, you can grab one tonight :slight_smile:


Very good! You got me! I do need more milsurps tho, but they are out of control, price wise!

Took a few years, but I finally found an Israeli K98 furniture!

This particular one was most likely one of the first ones shipped from the stockpile, rather than newly manufactured, because it has all sort of Israeli and German markings, later ones were made specifically for Israel. Most likely guns left over, bundled up and shipped for Czechoslovakia to make a quick buck in the post war era (although this is German made, by J.P. Sauer).

Rifle is dated 1943, receiver and bolt are matching, although safety flag and the floor plate, etc. do not. Also the rear cup butt plate, suggesting it may have been a last ditch assembly, but 1943… Who knows. could be last ditch, could be just scrap at the factory being reconditioned for a new war. I suppose in those days, they cared little about matching parts and perfect bluing lol. Yes, yes, but does it make holes!

From this (how I purchased filthy cheap):

To this (because that stock just really didn’t sit well with me):

To final resting place:

Just about to buff the wax, do final assembly and call it good! W00t!

Interesting read:


The bottom one, is the same as mine! Great rifles! I really like the action, of the FN Mauser better tho.

Where did you get that Boyd’s? What colour do they call that one?

I got it from Cleavers. Happy to sell it on, I was actually going to post it here, since I have no more use for it after Mauser got its final home. I don’t even think it’s ever been out. It was supposed to… But I forgot it, so yeah, as new.

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I’m sure you will sell it. My Israeli is happy original. Now if it was for No1 mk3…I would be interested.

Boyd’s has those on their USA site. Also Southern Cross Militaria on their site has repros. Are you after original or after market?

So after waiting for AAA to sort themselves out and send me my rifle and then the normal hassles with WA licensing process I got approved for it 2 days after my LGS closed for Christmas.
Well they opened up for business today so down I went to collect it.

It is a Martini Henry mk3 1886 in 577/450. It was made by BSA & MCo. From what I can gather (more research needed) it was put into the QLD Government hands in 1891.
The timber in in fantastic condition without any chunks missing or splits in the timber and the only real bad damage that i can see (haven’t stripped it yet) is a munched up cocking lock screw (last photo).

Next job is a total strip down and a good clean/reoil as well as slugging the barrel so I can get the right mold for loading.


Very nice mate, looks like you found a good one

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I will have a Swede to show soon…

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Finally I can post in this bread!

M95 Steyr

She’s soaked with oil, her bore is virginal, and she’s a Bulgarian. I like her a lot.

I can’t believe how light these things are. It feels so good in the hands, you can really move carrying one I would think jist from the little I have handled it.

Next to a shortened 336 Marlin I picked up last week.