Say hello and introduce yourself :)

Thanks bentaz

Thanks sungazer,
I have shot plenty of paper over the years on various ranges but almost exclusively with iron sights and all my shooting in past few years has been rabbits and foxes. I’m in no rush but I do want to work on longer range stuff - I am not as mobile as I used to be :slightly_smiling_face:.

Yeah unfortunately old age happens to all of us and some get knocked around by it more than others. Good thing about shooting is that even the oldest and infirmed can still participate most of the time. I have been on the range with 90+ year olds who roll up in wheel chairs guys pitch in in and help them set up and away they go. It is often the mind going that ends their hobby as safety is always paramount.

Hey @Chairborne, if you want to shoot long range “properly”, get yourself a Sharps and come join us at the Buffalo Rifle Association of Australia. We don’t need none of that telescopic sights, smokeless powder, jacketed bullets and such. (Just passing fads anyway)
Black-powder and lead gets out to 1000 yards no worries. :grin:


God damn, it’s happening again. Whichever one of you took @danmac’s meds, again, plese return them. We won’t ask any questions.

Truth is though he may be shooting well past any of us when technology breaks down. :smiley: But until then :poop:

You blokes are just jealous. Nothing better than waiting 6 seconds for the resounding clang from the steel target after you fire your shot. :wink:

Dont forget the two seconds from when you pull the trigger until the smoke comes out the barrel and lets the bullet out.

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Not with a BPCR, it’s as instantaneous as any centrefire round.
Also, apparently there’s no recoil…(not me)

Ha :blush:,
Thanks for the invite, maybe after I get the first goal of of the way and I want to make it harder for myself.

@Q_Q welcome to the forum by the way. Where are you from, tell us a bit about yourself.

I’m Geelong based down in Vic, currently only A/B but working through the Cat H process now to get into IPSC.
Mostly shoot paper with the odd trip every now and then for some pest control out on some mate’s farms

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Uhhh, well, we actually have a few hidden sections here, when you get a bit further down your cat H path we will re-assess your eligibility. Few folks here are into it…

In the meantime, if you want to drive down to Melbourne once a month, you are welcome to join us for 22LR Mini Rifle IPSC… Because we are strong men and comfortable with our sexuality and lack of recoil!


Welcome mate. I grew up in Geelong, but haven’t lived there for a long time. I’m actually heading there tomorrow for a quick visit.

I’m not comfortable… Nevermind


Hi There All,
I hope this comes out right because I can’t figure out or where to find a button anywhere that says create or the likes.

Anywho, I’m in the Perth Hills & newly into all the guns, mags & ammo obtaining a CZ 515 tactical. Have fired off probably about 30 rounds total so far with a mate firing off about 20 rounds getting the sight to distance worked out.

Currently playing around with snap caps to help in the learning too.

I’m on the hunt for a bigger magazine for the 515. 15 sounds good. 20 is better & 25, hell yeah.

Hoping I can find my way around this forum easily.

Welcome, a few of us west commie crew are on the forum if you need any local help.

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Welcome @LeafMatter we are all looking forwards to enabling and intensifying your addiction :slight_smile:

515 is an epic gun. Few of us own them, I’ve put thousands of rounds through mine, zero issues (with CZ 15 rounders).

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Hey, licenced shooter here, first time in my life since mid last year. Last one in my family, as I’m an imported citizen from South Africa, and just about everyone and his dog has a lead slinger over there.

Back there I used to rock a “that’s not a knife, THIS is a knife” and some pepper spray as EDC om my motorbike commuting into Johannesburg CBD for work.

Now I’m just a happy hunter / target shooter with nothing on my EDC other than a flashlight.

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G’day Mal.

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