Russia and Ukraine

Sniper grannies. I wonder how many kills she’s got so far?

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I’m just sooo hoping that’s a true story.
One Zbroyar Z-15 & ammo, $3500. Death by angry Nanna double tap, priceless.


Been watching feeds from places… Russians are definitely taking casualties, lots are not even equipped with body armour. They’ve got the numbers and air superiority. Predicting another 12 hour before new government.

P.s. And few more years of civil war

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According to my Polish workmate AK’s (47’s or 74’s) are relatively easily picked up cheap (but dodgy legally) in Poland just next door. I imagine it would be much the same in Ukraine.

Too late for that.

And to buy TP or get cash etc.

Ye, ATM’s are empty, shops are closed.

Kiev is now starting to see on the ground action…

A bit of topic but related. Can you imagine what the population would be like if this was happening in the US. I am seeing rioting in the streets with shops being looted and ransacked. The Ukranians seem to be keeping it all very orderly even the traffic. I would be using the on coming lanes if I was in a hurry to get out rather than wait in traffic.

Makes you wonder about our society fighting over toilet paper.


Yep I was alluding to that in my post if you are Physic.

I think they need the Plinkfest crew. Those low flying choppers would be great interactive moving targets. I think a good volley of shots would bring one down.

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They are doing what they can. This needs to be broadcasted to every Russian parent by every news outlet.

I don’t usually like posting things like this, but I make an exception.

Glad you did, I was beginning to wonder as I have not heard any Russian casualties as yet.

This is the most pg version I could find.

Russians are taking massive and horrible casualties as well. This is a war of attrition. Really ugly stuff.

Good to see its not all one way As Scomo says there must be a cost.

Info coming in is that there may be a truce in the works.

Tanks are in Kiev, there will be no truce.

Just my opinion, but countries like Russia (and others) will continue to do as they please now that the US is being run by such a pathetic president. To be honest i’m surprised it’s taken this long to happen. Just wait til that mob with the red flag with yellow stars decide to play too…
Hopefully European countries get off the their asses and jump in the game.

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