Funny gun ads, for the lolz

This guy is disingenuous, stupid or lying.
The fake costs about $300
The genuine costs about $3000

Powder situation is of the hook right now!

This is the new low; or we are seeing the new hights of the comedy we know as the Australian firearms industry.


Its broken and it doesn’t work, but apart from that it works great!


I’m sorry, but $780 for a completely fucked up No. 5 that’s almost entirely (at least from a collector’s perspective) beyond salvaging for anything except a few parts? Did someone put the decimal point in the wrong place?


Dont buy from him…hes a wanker, sold me a president killer with a rooted barrel, that was supposed to be good!

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What, is it April fools day already?

I’m guessing someone slipped and added an extra zero to those prices… Most dealers I know up here can’t even give single-barrel shotguns away because the PTA is worth more than the gun.

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Imagine paying $290 to add grandad’s shotgun to your license in WA?

Plus $150 odd for a property letter

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Thats gotta be a new low!


Considering I can buy around 4000 factory rounds at that price, is this even remotely economical?

Anyway I’m a nerd and did the math

2kg is 30,874 grains
Average 9mm is 4-5 grains of powder, so let’s say 4.5 grain average.

Enough powder for 6860 rounds

$2000 for the powder component
29c a charge

Then we add brass - let’s assume it’s used and more or less free

Primers currently at around 15c -25c a pop, let’s say 20c

Projectiles I’m not sure, I know they are not super expensive, let’s say 10c

59c a round to reload
50c a round to buy factory ready to roll.

Assuming they have primers from a bygone era it’s still around 50c a round plus hours of effort.

Anyway, that’s just greedy asking that sort of coin


A new high

You’re just like me. We should mate.

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Fuck me, now theyre selling antique powder!

“Hope you’ve got a load data book from the 1970s about, because that was the last time anyone imported this stuff…”

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Wow i have an unopened can of No 81…not for sale…

Am I missing something with this?

Sporterised and probably drilled & tapped as well.
SMLE prices are crazy.

He needs to put the bong down…thats a $300 gun…top $$$…Maybe he is on the crack pipe…
1917 is a good vintage action, but chances are its mismatched bolt, which would negate the supposed tighter tolerance bolt to action fit they made prior WW2.
I bought a 1926 Lithgow, which is a 1950s fullbore conversion that was converted by one the best fullbore shooters of the era, Reg Dean, who exported his gunsmithing talents to NZ, Canada, etc…Matching bolt, heavy barrel (pristine) and Reg’s signature "rubber nose bedding system…and i paid $1200…

Theres still really good as issued examples about for $900-$1100…i know of 2 at the moment, im trying not to buy.

I had thought prices were starting to normalise a bit again, but thats off its chops!

I actually brought a shotgun off this fella .
Both his wife and himself tried to sell me this gun by saying it has had really good reviews on it . It along with the other half a dozen firearms they have up for sale were a deceased estate lot that they brought . I did advise them that it is a $600 gun tops . But they both told me i wasnt right . And that it was worth $3k but they were selling it cheap .