Funny gun ads, for the lolz

Wow, either I’m totally out of touch with reality or that bloke is smoking some really strong shit!!!
At that price, what am I offered for a complete #4 with a totally shit bore that would hit the side of a barn if you were inside it, maybe?

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Ill give you a million dollars or 250gm of AP70!

Or maybe just buy this…

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Certainly a better buy than that other …thing. Still about double what I would pay, but then again, I’m out of touch. :wink:

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I don’t think you are out of touch, @danmac . I think people are just overestimating what they have. The funny part is that it’s counter productive. Selling milsurp rifles way more expensive than what they are pretty much removes 95% of shooters from that market. Especially when modern guns are so good and so cheap these days. I know a bunch of people who are priced out on even the most common of milsurps, so they get into other shooting disciplines. And then sit back and watch all the fuddy duddies complain how the sport is dying.

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But surely my bolt from a Lithgow mk4 and the rusty trigger guard for a Mauser that i found in a paddock must be worth at least 15k each :rofl:


The biggest problem with is that they don’t publish the actual “sold” price. There’s also the problem of someone seeing a price and believing that the similar rifle they have is worth more, then the domino effect starts…
I see it a lot with old Winchester lever guns. Blokes get hold of one and because they haven’t seen one before or heard of the chambering, believe they have a really “rare” thing that’s worth a small fortune. They get the shits when you give them the facts, that Winchester made millions of them.


Thats like the Lee Enfields, they literally made 10s if not 100s of millions of them.
The centenary of ANZAC seemed to have caused a big surge of interest in Lee Enfields and drove up the price, all other MilSurps seemed to follow suit.

For some reason the start a war and then lose it guns from Ze Muzzer Kountry have always been expensive. Something thats always baffled me is peoples interest in guns made by arseholes that loose every fight they start. I mean if you want a mass murdering arsehole gun buy a Commie one, at least they can win a fight, they also have a bigger body count. :wink:

Yep, saw that, I liked the description, gave me a chuckle. Price-wise, it’s about about the same as that over-rated grape juice he mentions.


Are people seriously stupid enough to be buying these lemons? I hope not…

Sadly, I think it might be our best shooters who need to keep practicing to be able to shoot competitively.

Ha ha ha…


700 grams left bro!

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Same bloke’s got a half chewed Mars Bar for sale on gumtree for $50…


Was reading through the adds today on abused guns as you do on Fathers Days with a coffee and snack. (happy Fathers day you all) and came upon this one. At first glance as I was reading along I thought thats a good deal or way to sell. Then the numbers clicked WTF.

Not the full add as its not relevant.

“Includes a crate of factory Winchester ammo 240 rounds (pick up only)…”

What a clueless cunt… It’s not even a pistol powder, there isn’t a shortage of this.

Nice try though… :poop:


Yep total numbnuts…just like a peanut who trie selling me 500gm 2205 bottles for 120 he had for years…claims he paid more than 100 each??? Yeah right, years ago…

Some light surface rust as expected of its age

Err, sorry, I don’t expect any rust, numbnut! And if it was “lite” why not take it off?

*some light syphilis as you’d expect from a crack hoare that age!

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Seriously? $580 for a scratched up VX-1? You can get a new one with better glass and more eye relief for that money.