Funny gun ads, for the lolz

@MaxJon I was making a joke :slight_smile:

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Haha…I’m a bit slow…thought you may have meant 22 centrefire…

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I sold it with that muzzle break and fore end rail. He/She/Xir colured it and fitted a funky grip.

7.62x39 is a lovely calibre for smaller-than-darwin-pigs. Your dogs, goats and general pests are ripe for it. Cheap and plentiful, and super accurate too that x39. To that point that I was buying Lapua brass for shits and giggles load develpoment and putting 10 rounds way under an inch. It would put five rounds of Hornady steel case under an inch too, but they stopped making it unfortunately.

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err…its the same gun.

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I think the 7.62x39 case is the parent case for the 220 Russian, and both the PPCs. I believe the Soviets were onto something…

Don’t forget the Grendel! What a round :slight_smile:


Have used both 7.62x39 and Grendel on pigs and personally I think they are more than sufficient for pigs even larger boats. Both in a CZ527, nice bits of kit me thinks.


Nothing wrong with CZ, nice guns

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Only 2 and a half grand for a broken shotgun. Shut up and take my money… Not!


I’d probably be stupid enough to buy it…

I don’t usually go down that path, but what a greedy dumb c*nt. Mismatched milsurp, but, but, but, QLD mob that’s what they charge, lmao.

All matching, except not really, but like, almost like.

But the bolt matches it self! Apperently thats important ? Its a bolt missmatch and thats not matching and therefore not worth that kind of crazy money.

The bolt “mostly matches itself” … :rofl:

The seller mostly matches a fuckwit. :laughing:


“Selling to fund another hobby”
Must be smoking crack!

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Think you could get an actual Jungle Carbine for that money…

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Not sure what I’m missing here. Not any sort of collector model, condition is ok, a new one costs less, is this delusion or does he have something special?

Yeah. Does look a bit weird and the magazine tube is about to fall out it would seem (sticking our past the muzzle). Many questions. Maybe USA made? Maybe waaaay too much dreaming?

Yep, they only made 7,500,000+ of them, really rare.
It’s a late model carbine, going off the serial #, with sling swivels that seems to have lost the locating screw that holds the magazine tube in place. ( Maybe that’s what makes it “one of a kind” )
In “fair” condition, $600 - 800, “Tell him he’s dreaming