Funny gun ads, for the lolz

I have this M95 that a relative brought back from WW1. He used it to shoot down an Airship. Asking $4900. Sorry, no color picture available as not invented at time.


Now we know what happened to the Hindenburg…

That’s like the jousting sticks…

The trouble that with listings that have a stupid price is that they multiply.
Someone sees an ad for a “Remchester” wonder rifle for $X, they think, “I’ve got one of those but mines better” so they then whack an ad on with a similar price, so does the next idiot and so on.
The other one is the bloke that sells his “rare” rifle. Just because you have only seen one or two, doesn’t make it rare. Winchester '92’s are a classic example, “rare”?, yeah they only made 2 million+ of them.


Which is why I honestly think there needs to be a lot more pushback against ridiculous pricing of guns. It has a long tail, too - because the “new” owner massively overpaid, they won’t let it go for less than they paid plus a healthy premium on top of that “because they aren’t making them anymore”, which is how you end up with with guns made in the multi-millions selling for insane amounts that only get higher and higher.

Old mate is either a complete wanker living in his own dream world or a dodgy conman, or maybe a bit of both, either way short of someone wrapping one of his rare & valuable gems around his head you’re not going to convince him to change his ways. He’s obviously already copped a bit of shit hence his $30 fee and mention of all the chat room heros.
I wouldn’t think there’d be too many collectors out there who’d actually believe his crap. The world’s full of oxygen thieves, it’s best just to have a laugh at them and not let them ruin your day.

Next week he’ll be selling the sniper rifle that actually killed Adolf because history has it all wrong and the gun has the markings to prove it.

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No, I have the sniper rifle that killed H!tler.

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You should consign it to old mate, he’ll get at least a couple of million for it.

Reminds me of that joke:
Guy at Egyptian Bazaar sees a skull
“That is the great Cleopatra’s skull sir, only $1000”
“Hmmm” said the guy “ bit expensive”
So the seller shows him a much smaller skull
“This one is only $500 sir”
Who’s skull is that?
“This is Cleopatra’s skull when she was a child”


That’s like when I met the queen.
I asked her would she blow me for 100 million bucks, she got a bit uppity but then then said yeah ok she would. So I asked would she do it for 20 bucks? She cracked it big time and screamed at me “what kind of a person do you think I am?” I said, we’ve already established that, now we’re just haggling on the price…

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That’s gold!

This price is insane right? Or am I missing something?

No, I don’t think you are missing anything. 50 rounds, 10 clips, bandolier… Definitely not $500

No, that price is well out of order IMO. 50 rounds of .303 in a dingy bandolier isn’t worth $500.

Na, 1956… that was the charge of beersheba at Gallipoli where Breaker Morant and the light horse took the bar in the great pyramid.
That’s a bargain!


Good luck indeed, a $2500 paperweight. These people are truly becoming delusional.

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Rendered 303’s are about $800 bucks in WA so that is extremely over priced.

Interesting. I would have thought that if you are that way inclined and want a deactivated/prop gun, even if you don’t have a Cat A&B - it would be cheaper to have a gunsmith buy one and deactivate it for the collector. Someone somewhere needs it I guess.

That is pretty much what happens but most just have one on the shelf ready to go. They buy a crap bore rifle then weld her up. Probably 300 bucks labour to get it done over here. It takes a fair bit to weld it up to police specs.

Deactivated .303s are worth a bit of money (but not $2500 money) because collectors want them for the furniture to restore sporterised rifles, and blokes like them as bar/study/‘man cave’ decoration.

But yeah, the prices are just going stupid and the problem is once someone overpays, they’ll never want to lose money on it, which fucks anyone wanting to get into old rifles because even the shit ones are now worth more than a brand-new Howa 1500 or similar.