Funny gun ads, for the lolz

Or automate the process :wink:

But then how will we giggle like little school girls every time he answers?

He must of got his price from a Perth shop.

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Yep standard price over here

Old mate getting angry

$30 for any extra photos, you’re all a bunch of ‘chat room heroes’

I have this urge to email and ask him increasingly irritating questions regarding ownership of said photo’s, copyright issues, whether he will send “my” photos to others etc etc.
I wont…but I want to.


God, this is everything wrong with some militaria sellers. ‘I have this amazing thing and it is a privilege for you to even look at it, let alone buy it. You should be honoured to have me even consider selling it to you’.

The worst are the ones that claim/threaten that if they can’t get enough for it, they’ll just donate it to a museum. Except, they won’t because museums don’t actually just display random old shit people give them, they will usually either store it, sell it or destroy it.

I understand that it must be frustrating for the guy but just take a set of decent images to start with and then send that set to anyone who asks? Of course, none of this would be an issue if the site let you upload multiple images.


I would be surprised if this gets sold

1750 for a Jungle Carbine that’s non matching, has a crack, and had an Ishy screw put through its stock just seems insane. I can’t see any serial numbers on the receiver either.

He offers a premium service that some cashed up guys appreciate. He adds a bit of flowery detail, log books, vetted guns etc. I believe he’s in Brighton and has cornered himself a certain clientele.

Sold me a Carcano with a fucked barrel…buyer beware!!

Hes an MRC member too…

Well that’s a bit lame, I at least hoped he sold a decent gun.

You going to the Anzac Day shoot MaxJon?

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No mate I’m not this year…but it’s a good one! Nice BBQ lunch afterwards…you going?

Yes, I will be there, enjoyed myself each time I’ve been.

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Awesome have a good shoot! It’s very close to the 3p core match we shoot monthly… .

this joker again…

“More photo requests will only be done with up front 30 dollar payment that will be refunded on purchase to stop the tyre kickers and chatroom hero’s wasting my time which was becoming epidemic on listed items”

Yeah, I am sure everyone is just falling over to talk to this clown about his rare bubba gem.


This is a gift that keeps on giving…

A “tanker carbine”, this don’t look like a PPD or PPsh

Clear markings… Did someone draw a tank on it, maybe?

I am lolling. For $1800… If this sells, I am listing my Submariner Steyr M96 carbine. Comes with ammo and clips, missing the submarine, but easy to replace.

The rifle was actually used to guard the Enigma machine and got taken as a trophy by Lieutenant Andrew Tyler.

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The sad thing is, I’m not going to be shocked if he sells them.

So fucked.

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I really wish there was a “Report unrealistic price” option on the gun websites. Like in some tech circles, if you try to sell stuff for over the odds you will get flogged in the comments and the admins may even make you take the post down or change the price to something realistic.

Seriously, $1800 for a bog-standard M44 carbine and $1500 for a bubbarised (it’s gone beyond sporterised) Japanese rifle in a calibre you can’t even get ammo for is just ridiculous and frankly that guy deserves all the flak he’s copping as a result, IMO.

You just gave me an idea!

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