Funny gun ads, for the lolz


That’s insane! Even .375 H&H ammo can be bought for less than that.

Golden flash used to try to sell them for that price too, I wonder why they went broke and sold up?

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Yep and they wanted about $395k for the business…!!! I looked at it, but couldnt see the value in it…

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Are we just making up fantasy prices now?

Wow, that’s a step up isn’t it

It certainly seems that way, doesn’t it? I saw a shotgun on one of the sites the other day which appears to have been relisted by the same owner a year later (evidently after not selling) for more money than they were asking previously.

That one is cheap… try this one and they have wrecked it by chroming the metal work.

BSA Cadet 310 (13636) – Rebel Gun Works

Err yeah :face_vomiting: at leas they only have one like that, lets hope it stays that way… Thats polishing somthing into a turd…imo…

$990 wow

Yep fucked it…pity the poor fool that pays that for it…

So… before I post a link, can we nominate an entire dealer website? There’s one that just has batshit insane prices for collectible stuff - anywhere from two to five times the going rate, by my reckoning.

Gold Coast gun shop lol

Different Coast :slight_smile:

Whatever coast, there’s only one that has crazy price and pretend it’s sold for later date, or so I heard.

I don’t know about the last part, but some of the stuff on their website is just bonkers and factually incorrect - describing Ishapore SMLEs as “Very Rare” in Australia, for example

So why do you hint rather than publishing a link? Either name and shame or delete, we don’t hint on this forum.

I’m happy to name and shame dealers massively overcharging - just wanted to check the rules before I did it :slight_smile:

As long as it’s a fact and not vendetta, it’s all good. That said, well familiar with the site, definitely bat shit crazy, but second look and some sold prices seemed within reason, cheap even, like No5. From how far back, that’s another question.

It’s more the current asking prices that have my jaw agape. $1800 for a S&W Victory? Bonkers for a gun that wasn’t owned by anyone famous or has provenance (with evidence) from a major battle etc.