Funny gun ads, for the lolz

Crazy price. However, if some cashed up dumb mfkr buys it…what can you say , genius.

All matching. But not all matching at all. Ok.

Little bit pregnant.

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“All matching but…” is my least favorite gun selling phrase. Even more so when it is paired with an outrageous price.

Is that like “slightly dead”

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That entire M91/30 post is just screaming for multiple Wikipedia-style “[Citation Needed]” notes.

There were some magazines advertised on there the other day.

The punch line was that they were missing followers. It kind of makes them more like useless pieces bit of pressed tin.

Then there was the add for 40 pieces of 338L unfired brass from Betrams for $120 the last line of the add was that he had been given them as a free sample.

Sheesh, gifting the gift at that price… lol

I can beat that with $90 for 3 screws!


Surely he cant be serious…

Id like to see this guy shoot. How he manages to pull the lever with his thumb would be a neat trick.
Yes I am bored and frustrated trying to fix my real computer. It wasnt the Flux Capacitor.


To be fair it could be a toe release or elbow release if you were into yoga…

Reality is he was thinking about its replacement CZ. Good luck at that price.

Just… No.
Reasonable price for a working gun but not a paperweight.

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And asking $4500 for a K31 , diopters are nice but geeez. If he sells it I will STFU.

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Hey it has all marching numbers :star_struck: Its a repo by the looks of the add.

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@Supaduke specially a paperweight that’s not useful for anything else. I know the deactivated .303s are expensive because everyone wants them as wallhangers or to strip the woodwork and non-moving parts from.

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Exactly! I was almost, keen, till I saw it was a wall hanger…

The description is amazing.


So much cringe…


I dont know what part of it is the worst.

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