Funny gun ads, for the lolz

…with ‘grind’ marks, wtf

Hey, grinding stuff takes effort…Totally justified lol, grinding marks cost something to make… :stuck_out_tongue: probably just passing the cost along… Comes with a sling though.? :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

Grind marks are probably where someone “fixed it”, she runs smooth now.

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Sling is a bonus…! :slight_smile::laughing:

I was thinking the same thing or perhaps a non matching number so he removed it. Then all the numbers you can find are matching. FacePalm

What in the actual fuck, how can someone be that high on crack and still hold a dealers licence?


I was just reading this ad and had a similar reaction. If it could talk it would say “who the fk chopped my front off and why am I so expensive?”


That’s what happens when all the good staff from a shop leave because of a new bloke then for some strange reason that same bloke with no knowledge of guns or the industry takes the role of manager. I’m sure he must have photos of the owner fucking a sheep or something because that’s the only way things make sense.


That sounds like an awfully specific hypothetical…


Unfortunately yes.

I want some of what that soldier was smoking lmao.

WTF is with that line anyway. 'If only it could talk". If it could talk, it would probably call you dumb.


Totally sniper though, sniper was laying there with a smoke giving away their position, lmao. I saw that one too and went what the actual fuck.

Lmao, maybe that’s why it appears ambi, first dude got killed.

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Nah, its spit stains from chewing tobacco.

Wow, just fuck’n wow.
If he can’t tell you what brand of tobacco it was or what the soldier liked to have for breakfast on Tuesdays then the provenance just isn’t there and the rifle is worthless.

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Gee what a great story. Not sure I’d like to pay the increased premium for I would think is a complete work of fiction though. :joy::beer:

I find the ambidextrous bit the most fictional. Nobody just picks up a gun and randomly shoulders it to either side. We are creatures of habit if nothing else. Once programed we are set and forget.

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This is your Mosin Nagant on DMT.


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Adorable… ROFL …but clueless.


That Phrase “All matching apart from” is used a lot. Dont the people that write that shit have the most basic comprehension?

I am a Virgin apart from that one time at Band Camp. Doh