Funny gun ads, for the lolz

Should have read small amount of barrel on rust.


It’s actually in a pretty good condition on the other side, that side though - as if it was leaning against something damp for years. Very good my arse.

$3.5k for a mismatched Mauser…
That dude is high AF.

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Yep, I paid less than 1/2 that for mine and still paid too much

It takes a special kind of Boomer energy to write an entire book about how riflescopes were better ‘back in the day’, surely?

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I’ve seen this a few times and I laugh at it every single time.

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I’ve tried several old scopes. All were shit.
Scopes today are so far ahead it’s not funny.
$300 cheapie these days was state of the art 50 years ago. Today’s big dollar scopes are not even in the same universe.
What is this grumpy old man on about.


I was thinking that too. Almost all the old scopes I’ve seen have been utter crap, and the ones that weren’t still weren’t much better than a $300-$400 scope today.

There are some things that were better “back in the day” but riflescopes aren’t one of them.


WTF… there is no such thing as too many shotguns, that guy should have his licence taken away on the grounds of insanity.

Agreed! And how do you go through the process of finding one in stock, deciding you like it, paying for it, applying for a PTA, getting the PTA approved, going to the shop, picking it up and taking it home without at least once asking yourself “Does this fit in with my current loadout?” or “Do I actually have room for this in the gun safe?”

Fired twiced… I struggle to believe it.
I struggle to believe any man would give up after two shots.

Does " it looked cool, or it has a lever thingie I want to try" count?

Yeah 2 shots is very hard to believe!

Fired on two occasions with 100 rounds each time…


Yes I would think it is a play on words and perhaps should read fired on two occasions.

$1300… tell him he’s dreaming!

I was debating posting this here or not… I had the same reaction, in less elegant terms.

The price is a typo, he really wants $13,000.

And another gem…

$850 for a mismatched Mosin. Well, you have to admire the optimism.