Funny gun ads, for the lolz

You know what I suspect, @Nomis, I recon you didn’t stand a chance. I see this all the time, ad appears just as I refresh and its sold. I think some of that stuff is picking up by site owners before it is even listed. Just a feeling I have, they get first dibs. Seen this happen enough times to convince me that this is the case.


Or it’s possible people check it even more incessantly than you guys. About 4 times I have missed out on a Marlin 39a , a couple were posted literally minutes beforehand. Site hosts getting first dibs or tipping off their mates is certainly feasible.

I think that this is the most plausible explanation. I haven’t been as intense lately, as before, trying to kick the habit :slight_smile: But I do mean, literally appearing sold… Having used both sites, I just don’t think it’s possible to do it that fast through the normal channels. I could be wrong, but I don’t think I am in this case.

Certainly looks like it, doesn’t it? I’d say the scope is worth more than the gun, personally, and even as a combination they’re not worth $1500.

I’ve encountered a few dealers like that but they’re also not usually willing to listen when I say “Guys, it’s a shitty old [whatever], it’s not worth $900”; they have decided it’s old, therefore valuable and are surprised when it’s still on the shelf six months later.

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Same. Or it’s been there for 12 months and they won’t change the price.

One of my locals has a sporterised Carcano with a cracked stock for $280. Its been there for at least 12 months.

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“Head space is spot on” “Does not come with bolt”
WTF, I think those statements cancel each other out!


Who wants a weird calibred rifle with no bolt or mag???

I read up to the bolt and thought wtf dude. Do you know what headspace in rofl. So like $100 then for parts ay lol

There are some special dudes out there.


I’m triggered.

Incorrect spelling, shit photos, bugger all description, high price. Its got the lot.

Don’t laugh, the grey cube one has endangered cobra semen in it, so it’s a bargain.

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Wow… someone bought it. Maybe one of the oiler bottles is rare. Collectors will pay silly money for seemingly innocuous items.

Yep, collectors will collect

Fark. And it sold.
$1200 i paid seems like a bargain now.


The mags are worth about $120 each now, and the charger clips are something like $2-$5ea too. At least one of those oiler bottles looks like the sort of thing that came with a really good English double-barrelled shotgun, so all up I’d say $485 is about right on the collector circuit.

More than I’d pay for it, though…

I want $1900 for my cadet, but you can’t see it!