What I did in guns this week.

I built a new steam pot thing for bluing. I will post on that later. I also went through one of the safes (the, not often or won’t need it soon safe) and did maintenance on everything there… Clean, oil, wipe, etc. 2 shotguns, 1 set of barrels and this:

Can you identify all of them? :smiley:

You need to take the little dings out of the wood on the one to the left of the Browning

Second from the left is a Mosin? And is right most a Browning T-bolt?

Mosin, correct.
Browning - yes, T-Bolt, no.

No, it stays as it is!

Martini Henry, mosin of some sort, styer m95? , k31 , something browning

Far left your Martine Henry?

MH - correct

Damn homey!
Correct on all accounts.

Mosin 91/30

But which Browning :stuck_out_tongue:

Not sure at all. If it was a browning pump .22 i might be able to pick that.

X-Bolt 223, 1:8 :slight_smile: The ‘1:8’ was the reason I got it.

K31 second from right.

Well another week absent from my safe queens. Just watched plenty of YouTube and thought about getting home and well I guess…giving them a clean until, we can go back out and use them.
Chinese bat virus licks balls. :cn: :bat: :microbe:


I was using the same boxes the H ELDM but I managed to get a few more in. Due to the bugging in Prep raising up a level :grin: I went for a bigger box. The Lap cases box’s also work well.
In keeping with our history I have also filled a old military can of 223 for the SHTF apocalypse. :rofl: or plinkfest whatever comes first.

Forgot the picture


Last week -
I Purchased,
200 x 153gr 6.5 Hornady A-Tip
150 x 500gr 500 S&W FP/XTP
100 x 300ge 50AE Hornady XTP
K&M Arbour Press with pressure gauge
Wilson Micrometer arbor seating die for 6.5CM

I Loaded
500 S&W
Prepared 120 Hornady 6.5 CM cases (Neck turned, Flash Uniformed, Annealed, Pin Washed, Neck sized / shoulder bumped. Loaded with 140gr Berger VLD Hybrid target projectiles.

Ordered 2 pistols - Ruger PC9, S&W 4" 500 Magnum.

Pretty much an average week for me.


Alright, it’s time. Let’s keep this going…

I cleaned a bunch of guns. I think I am half way through them. I had my boy ask me about “war guns and this one that his mate used in a game they play” - right, come with me, I think he may have peed a little when we went through some proper education :slight_smile:

…and I have fixed some sins of the past.

Yes, that’s foil. No, powder coating on foil does not work. :stuck_out_tongue:

Few other odds and ends, but this is it.

Went through and did a clean and oil on all of mine today and replaced the dehumidifiers in each of the safes.

Also on the not real firearm related (depending on what state you live in) I knocked together a filler nozzle on the lathe for a Duster gas powered gel blaster glock. Gotta tweak my design a little. Will hopefully work a little better than the plastic ones that come with Butane cans for refilling lighters. Will let me use cheap air duster cans.

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Sadly another week of nothing more than wishing I could go and shoot. Poor things have been in isolation in the safe for the last four weeks. Two more weeks at work and then home. Still, consider myself lucky to be still working.
Hope everyone is keeping well. :beer:

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Sadly another week of nothing for me :sleepy:

Very little, my trip to the Cape got the formal “Not happening” which I have been expecting for some weeks… sounds like there may be no hunting trips this year.

took the buggy and the boy for a quick lap of the neighbours property looking for foxes but came up empty handed