CZ 515 lever release 22LR (reviews)

In 45ACP you’d still bitch and moan that it’s not in 12ga.

I would absolutely loooooove something like this, a carbine in 45ACP, even more so in 44MAG.

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Any of the pistol cartridges would be good, A nice .357 yeah.
But I prefer the wooden stock version, not a fan of the shroud around the barrel look.

I am not a fan of the shroud, I actually don’t like barrel shrouds in general. However! I am more not a fan of the wood… I actually would like it in wood, but from what I am seeing, polymer lower, alloy upper (i.e. not steel), plastic fantastic and to top it off very lite wood (which I really don’t like, the colour that is). Meh. Go full retard or not at all! Tactical it is!

Have a look at some 512’s, the timber varies.

I did, I am a fan of that really nice dark wood look (yes, I know how it sounds), but it doesn’t look like an option here.

Same. I don’t like the shroud but i like the choice of timber & form factor of the wood stock even less.

Now you tell me it’s allow/plastic construction i’m not that keen at the $1200+ previously mentioned.

Possibly, from what I have read, it has a polymer lower. Although, personally, I don’t see an issue with that, at all, on the tactical model… Wood furniture, yeah, I think it would lose that wood and steel feel. Tacticool however - perfectio :grin:

Mmm, tempting. I am definitely after something tacticool in the future and this might be it. I’m mainly excited for the potential of other companies seeing stuff like this (hopefully) being allowed in Australia and (hopefully) selling well and so getting more stuff like this in.

A bit pricey for me though.

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I like the look of this, but I prolly should keep some safe space for something that isn’t a 22lr lol.

Hopefully this is a start of a trend where the Australian market starts to get semis engineered into lever release actions.

Would love a lever release shotgun, or a lever release centerfire.

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If we get a tactical looking lever release in .223 I will lose my shit in the best way possible. Think that might be a long way off though.

Not sure if people are aware but if you want to know more about the CZ 515, I’m 90% sure it is a CZ 512 in every way but the mechanism. Plenty reviews of that gun on YouTube etc.


O a lever release shot gun under 1400$ that would be the go.

The A22 is a pretty good gun really. I am enjoying it more and more. It does go through the ammo quickly though. It really was at the right price point too for a 22. I paid $695 for the Varmint model or $895 but got the $200 cash back. Which came back really quickly. It is a pretty accurate gun as well.

This one would really need to be something special to justify the extra in price. I do like the look of the thumb operated lever though. They really need to make the lever in a position that you dont need to take your finger off the trigger. I have a feeling that may be one of he conditions of approval though.

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I was so excited about it, when Verney Carron rifles arrived. There were actually a shotgun. I am pretty neutral on the rifle, but I really wanted that shotgun. Unfortunately it never made it past the AU classification. So yeah, quite unlikely.


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LOL you’d be angry with anything though, that’s not wood, @Bigpete

Even the wood ones are horrid

Horses for courses I guess. I quite like the tactical model.