Bored shit-posting

Its not a navy seal anymore, it’s Ericka the Berika thank you very much!


没有!I mean, no!


Don’t ask, don’t tell. I get it. Ericka the Berika the Navy Seal.

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Got a few lined up have we eh?? :rofl:

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I guess you can wear Hawaiian shirts and cargo shorts now. Grow the beard out. You’re an operater now. Says so on the gun.

Has anyone here heard anything about gun shops closing down permanently in Melbourne?

I was chatting with the dealer from Recoil Firearms yesterday, and he mentioned that Bayswater Firearms, Boronia Firearms and Trophy Arms Essendon were all closing down, or were struggling to stay open?

Ye mate. All gunshop are closing down. You should only shop at Recoil. He’s the only one that’s not closing down.

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I don’t think he meant it that way lol. He was more lamenting about how everyone was struggling rn.

Those three shops are small operations. Trophy and Boronia, pretty much a one man show. A lot of their sales are online through the main gun selling websites. No one can buy anything, I’m sure there are a ton of business that won’t be back from this fkn thing. Dan the man is going to have a bit to answer for.

No he won’t. Vic is full of cucks who lack a drop of objectivity.

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Bayswater I can believe will close. Barbra has been talking about it well before the current snafu.

These guys have some good info on their channel but thought this was funny.


Sorry I dont understand or get it. Please explain

They are making middle Eastern mortars and in their comment referred to a form of clean eating common throughout said region.

Have you ever had one of those days at the range where you were soooo totally shit that accidentally hitting the blokes target six lanes over was a real possibility.
There was no such thing as “groups” or minute of angle today, it was minute of BARN and i didn’t have a bucket of wheat.


It happens mate.

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I know the feeling well. It’s almost like I could get a better score if I used a shotgun lol.

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Yeah i’m taking a bucket of rocks tomorrow, just gonna chuck 'em at the target & see how i go lol.


That’s one of the reasons I shotgun, lol!

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What the fuck? Laundering money for Mexican drug cartels, terrorist groups and child sex slave traders and gets a fine. Only a few million breaches of the money laundering laws though!
How in the hell can they be allowed to continue trading?

I sent my boss a msg asking if the organization (large community service/ charity) will be continuing to bank with them after this came out, I have not had a response yet…

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