Bored shit-posting

But on the bright side at least we’re not destined for total imprisonment & control because we don’t follow that shit stain country called Muric… Ohh wait, ahh fuck!

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I have 2 md players. It was the cassette for the modern world. Rewritable and non skip with no chance of getting scratches.

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I saw that, mcgowan got some award too. Seems the people who behaved mostly like dictators got awards. Must be so other premiers can look on for the next pandemic and aspire to the same greatness.

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Screw the gun laws… I want a game of pool. :see_no_evil:


Im back. Forced of the www I didnt relise how much time I spent connected to the internet until it was gone.


Telstra updates?

No it was a laptop NDE a bit of a drama to get it fixed.

Welcome home buddy!


I found his award to be a bit rich. I worked all the way through Covid and honestly it had minimal negative effects on my life. I did see a ton of people get absolutely rooted by the lockdowns. The way the cops suddenly became so over zealous, the way 50% of the population turned into absolute boot lickers, dobbing in neighbours etc.The checkpoints , was all pretty fked up. I think Dan was a bit of a turd, so we’re his cabinet and Police behaviour left something to be desired.
And I’m not even going to start on the whole forced vaccines debacle.
It’s not unusual for upper management to give themselves awards and pat each other on the back.


Fellow pure bloods, UNITE!

Anyone? Seriously?

Oh man I feel like a total asshole.

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Dont feel awkard mate. There’s a whole lot of social stuff to re observe and learn from, how different groups behave and act. If only we could overlay actions and opinions of citizens over their consumption of media…

There is a lot to learn, and Im not talking conspiracy garbage. I mean I didnt take the vax purely for reasons of watching people seethe for maximum lols because I dared to go against the norm and paid some local yokels to take it for me. Maximum butthurt was harvested, I still jack to it ocasionaly, particularly working next to an aboriginal medical clinic. They would come in everyday telling me they had heaps of vaccines to spare and how I would die and kill others…I just shat out conspiracy poop right into their mouths, Alex Jones levels of 5G garbage just because it amused me. Of course, my kids are all vaxxed against the usual stuff school kids and myself went through. Apart from the your-daughter-is-a-who’er-in-waiting papillomavirus vax…they wont be needing that.

I know, I am a sad little fat obese man inmy own bubble. Thing is…IM OKAY WITH THAT><

Whats a problem is how easy people fall into compliance.

The other issue is @juststarting warning us with his Bezmenov posts all those years ago like he knew something before we did. We should investigate him with anciednt Fijian interrogation techniques. I know a guy. Ill need a conch shell, some trinidad scorpions, a glove and a compressor. Bring me his anus.


Yeah so we were told

A) it just produced the spike protein in your arm (false)
B) it would stop transmission (false)
C) it was 100% safe and effective (no comment)

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I will survive without attracting attention because my browser history is sausage making and OMG MADONNA THE BEST SONG EVER IS “DRESS YOU UP IN MY LOVE” SHES SO TALENTED, DONT YOU THINK?

And with these small contributions we stroke the algorithym and go unnoticed…I hope…


Don’t you just love it when you know you were pinged by a filthy fucking speed camera and are patiently waiting for the fine in the mail.
Then that all too familiar envelope arrives in the mail, but when you open it it’s actually a different one you were unaware of and the one you were expecting is still on it’s way.
cry 70s show


Praise the system!

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Woohoo!! New gun & hunting store opening in Springwood.

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Guess I’m going snorkelling…


I’ve got some scuba gear you can borrow if you like, but if you also come across Adolfs missing gold down there I want a cut. :laughing: