Bored shit-posting

There are so many cool posts I have planned and so little time lately!

You know when you have one of those awesome special moments.
Like when you’re relaxing & listening to some tunes while putting some guns back together & mounting scopes up getting ready to sight in, with your only real distraction being a phone conversation trying to explain to possibly retarded person what the simplest gun part is that you want to order while you’re happily mounting a scope…
Then all of a sudden you feel something funny and realize the guy on the phone isn’t the only retard here because you’ve just snapped your scope mount as your torque driver was on the wrong setting and you weren’t paying attention. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Oh well, back to the shop.


Any Richmond supporters here?

Ye, you better hide.

The convicted ex-president of the U.S. might be able to avoid prison by appealing to an old law that lessens punishments if you get convicted of 34 or more crimes at once.

Google Donald Trump rule 34 to find out more

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Rule 34. Lol

Tee hee hee.

I just realised how bad blokes are when you mess up. One of me mates had a er…‘negligent discharge’ that put a hole in the back of Dennis’ ute. 12g wad and all. Putting his gun away. Missed all the plumbing so that was good. But yeah I was just giving him shit about it now and thought “it’s been like three or four years” and thought I should share it with other people he’s never met for no reason at all.


What a bloody Dennis!
Thats what people he don’t know be saying about him now.

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Going to watch another rocket explode. Love what they are doing though.

I am amused that you still have a dedicated DVD player :slight_smile:

I also have a blue ray player in the theatre room.

The rocket did everthing the wanted too, no unplanned rapid disassembly. Booster and ship both made splash downs.

What’s a blueray?

You gotta remember, he lives in the olden days under a glorious communist regime!

I wish i still had one, I borrowed some local history dvds from the library and it take half an hour to fire up an antique laptop that still has a disc drive so i can watch a 20 min movie. Lol.

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Laserdisc or gtfo

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It took me a couple of goes to get read that right. I was expecting something else.

Now theres some memories. Watching Terminator 2 on laserdisc projected onto a loungeroom wall.

Side topic I have a collection of every Sony Minidisc player model made until the NetMD series which incporporated MP3 capability. Every single model and variation incluiding players, recorders, decks and even a 7 series BMW head unit. I also have advertising from the era spanning Playboy, GQ, Rolling Stone and others magazines. Tara Banks and Kylie Minogue were features, but nothing could stop the absolute disaster of Sony marketing back then, I feel it was the CIA that wanted Compact Discs to be the media of choice and engagted in such sabotage as this:

(what the shit this looks teenage @juststarting with the signature “I just came” expression

I mean wtf right? I know the 90s were RAD but this is just sabotage plain and simple.

Some nicer ads featuring Tyra and Kylie:

Yeah @Mullmans im sniffin dem feet too bruh…inhales

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I’m formally apologising for all of my comments to the effect of Western Australia being North Korea.
With Dan ‘lockdown’ Andrews, I mean Dan ‘bankrupt the state’ Andrews getting an Order of Australia medal today for his treatment of the Victorian public I now realise the whole country is just as bad.