Bored shit-posting

Ill check it out, thanks :blush:

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Dudunt realise I’d become a kiwi…

Choice bro :+1:

Curb Your Enthusiasm…

Just because

Resident Alien, it’s good for a laugh.

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Bomberssssssss! First time in like 6 years? Yeah!


Well the knives and machetes are making us gun guys look good…as sad is that is…Copy cat thing in a Sydney church???

Crazy will always find a way, unfortunately…


I made a comment to my son’s girlfriend after the Bondi incident that the media reporting of such occurrences tends to motivate others with unstable minds to take similar action.
Unfortunately, I was right.
Same goes for “mass shootings” in the U.S, the more the media report on it, the higher likelihood of another one…


There’s definitely no shortage of nutters out there that’s for sure. Like that whack job who did the NZ mosque shooting a few years back. That was a disturbing video to watch.

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I thought, and said similar to the wife…

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Probably not this case here, but there is also part of the media where they start reporting on lower significance events that typically would go unreported just to keep the ratings going. We see that in firearms events, typically if it is a once off police shooting or suicide they won’t report it but if it is off the back of a bigger incident they will report on it.

Apparently, the religion of peace guy who was upset with the religion of kidfiddlin’ priest was using a lock back folding knife. He failed to open it properly before dispensing diversity but when he realised, he opened it too quick, failed to lock it back and held the knife the wrong way (blade up instead of blade down) and ended up slicing off his digits as he brought the knife down, leveraging the tip of the blade against the victim and so closing the knife with his fingers wrapped around the handle. Ohau Snackbar!


Well a folding knife is a very complicated piece of machinery and I bet he never read the user manual.

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Jesus is King

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I always thought it was Elvis?

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God damn you Victoria!
Oh, won’t someone please think of the poor junkies. Some junkies are far to busy to travel to Richmond to shoot up at a primary school.
Why can’t there be a Safe Injecting Room in every school? I think we should put them in the kinders too!


They really should just combine them with the school tuckshop, the junkies can line up to get a hit with the kids and then have a shot on the playground.

Get with the times man! Lining up is a backwards step, lets teach the kids to shoot up for tuck shop!

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Sorry my bad!! You’re right we need to get them familiar with it in primary school, we don’t want them hitting high school and being behind everyone else.

I’m just wondering when oh when will this be real…Only with cutting out the bit about Government being off limits lol.