Bored shit-posting


I hid this uncomfortable chunk of metal up my ass for two years.

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It was the safest place. :rofl:


Perhaps from being found, but there’s no way that would have survived those storage conditions.
Real waterproof watches were first made in the 1920’s, not pre WW1 -not even 1917 when the Americans joined in.

Up to e5 of Kim’s Convenience. I like.

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Tis a good show :+1:

E9 going strong!

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S1 done.
I got 2 more episodes in me, maybe 3. Damn you Netflix!

I know everyone has been waiting anxiously, it’s ok, update here.

I am just about start season 4.

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Im watching Lego masters

Just had this sent to me, good on whoever set it up.

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Sounds fair enough to me mate.

I’ve watched it a couple of times over the years myself, and can agree that it is decently funny

You’re too late @Joshua.s . That’s yesterday’s news. I’ve now finished “The Gentlemen”. Series, not movie.

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That one is really good, i watched all of gentlemen in a day.

Also another great view

I dove into SHOGUN at about 830 tonight & I can’t stop…
Very well shot.

Ok. When are they making season 2???

Whats Shogun on?


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