Bored shit-posting

Is it genuine branded gear or cheap knock off?
Makes me very dubious when prices seem so/too low…

Neither, just random stuff.

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Can’t believe I didn’t know this was a thing, I might report the C17’s leaving pearce air base. Got to create useless programs to keep all of these beurocrats employed.

Its been a thing in Victoria since the 1980’s at least, that’s when I got my first letter. Then changed the motorcycle frame I was running from a 75 or 6 to a 73 so it was exempt. Didn’t run a street two stroke made after 73 after that.

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Crazy, they only brought it in 2016 here.


Big summer for snakes so far this year. Today I cut my 4th brown snake in half with both barrels from the shotgun. He was still pretty dangerous even once cut in two with the smaller head half still quite active and now really not happy. The spade finished him off.
He was stalking the chook shed but met his end before getting hold of one of the baby chickens getting around in the shed.

Great. Now I am terrified.

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Nice work, I hate the bloody things. A couple of years back when going for some ducks on a mates dams we came across one curled up napping next to a tussock, I got him with the bird shot from about two metres and he just turned into red mist, it was one of the most satisfying things I’ve seen lol.

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We just lost our Foxy pup to one. Missus came home to find her paralysed on the driveway. No after hours vet available , she died an hour later. Sorely missed.
No sign of the snake but the cat has been on edge, so are the other dogs, bastard is still around somewhere…

Sorry to hear that mate.

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Yeah really sorry to hear that. It is one of my biggest fears for my dog. She is a curiosity killed the cat type. Has had her nose snapped by a couple of mouse traps in the house very funny as they dont hurt her just give her a fright but a brown snake could be her downfall.

Bugger, sorry to hear that mate, i lost my Aussie Collie to one when i was a kid, it sucks losing a dog.

Sorry to hear about the pup, Dan.

Sad to hear Dan…The cat that the kids wanted, was bitten by a snake…anyhow they paid $4k to save it! It was also paralysed, but good as gold now. No way i would have spent that on a cat! But your pup maybe yes…

Would have gladly paid the bill but unable to get hold of the vet. We’re also an hour away and all info we found said if they aren’t treated within an hour it’s very unlikely to get a good result. Had no idea how long she was down.
She is certainly missed, she was a great little dog with a ton of personality.

Righto, who knows what the fuck I’ve done with the tap n die set?

It’s OK, stop looking I found it. It was in the open your bloody eyes section.


I do that shit all the time…

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Or i put things in the safest place, and never find them, until i really dont need them.

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