Bored shit-posting

If it wasn’t such a busy time of year, I’d hit you up for a range trip while I’m over there!

Maybe next time.

But dinner could work.

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Yeah, crazy busy this year when it would normally be wind down time for me. Havent been behind a rifle for a while, I’m spending most of my free time shooting bows and have taken on being president of my local archery club.

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I’ve been lurking too, seems none of us have anything very interesting to say lately lol. I’ve been a bit busy and my brain’s tiered as the past couple of months have been a little bit shitty, had to put my dad in a nursing home as his dementia fueled shenanigans have become too much for my step mum to handle.
Got to love his form though, he’s with it enough to constantly tell us he “shouldn’t be in here with all these people with brain damage” lol.
Plus he’s already thrown a crystal clock at the window in an escape attempt (he didn’t know they’re basically bullet proof windows lol), so it exploded all over his new loungeroom.
Then he tried a “great escape” attempt by going outside to the garden at night and trying to dig under the fence in his PJ’s.

Due to all this our plans of going down to Canberra to spend Xmas with them have been canned at my step mums request because she’s just burnt out from what’s been a nightmare couple of months for her & doesn’t want our daughter to see either of them in the current state they’re in. So we’re going to let things settle a bit.
Other than that life’s been pretty normal & now I’m trying to book some sort of getaway up here at the last minute which is a pain in the ass.


Sorry to hear that mate. It is funny though hes not the only one that has that syndrome of I’m OK its all these other retards I have to get away from. One of my parents is very close to that stage. The only thing saving them is they have accepted that the old brain is not working at full capacity anymore, but hell neither is mine.


Thanks mate, it’s been a while coming and he just started doing too much dumb shit at home, and being only the two of them out on the farm it just got too dangerous & he couldn’t be left alone for a minute.
I’m the same as you (and him lol), I’m completely normal it’s the rest of the world that’s nuts.

Only thing I can offer is that kind of situation is super common and really tough.

Get them to think about what they want in the coming years. 10 trips to hospital and all the lifesaving measures or 1+2 trips and let them pass away peacefully from the “old persons friend” (pneumonia)

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Cheers mate, yep thankfully we all (the whole family) have the necessary living wills, care directives & DNRs etc sorted.

Bloody rats have made it to my place now. Walking back in from the shed and heard rustling in the missus crap in the carport. Thought maybe a bandicoot but no, a bloody rat. First one I’ve seen in 15 years here. I’m guessing it may have came in with all the new people moving in on the 1 acre development behind us or was just bound to get up here at some point. Was the quickest I’ve swapped scopes and Zeroed a rifle.


I just watched channel 9 news and saw a dog get a PhD. Yet, most of you c*nts are still learning to write with crayons. Pffft! Need to get this dogo on the forum for some intellectual posts.

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Can the dog tell you how good the crayons taste?

1 up to us.

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So what was his thesis?

Green crayons are my favourite flav

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Jesus Christ, you guys have crayons? I’m still shitting in my hands and using it to finger paint…

I only eat crayons, i still write with my own shit,

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But in a way…


That’s going to be the only option in WA soon

Whos using Temo and what do you all think of it?

Ye, same as AliExpress and/or Amazon more or less. Deliveries are a bit faster than Ali. Some house hold stuff I think are sent by Australian distributors, which explains deliveries being faster, but all in all like Ali and Amazon.

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I think its pretty good at least so far. I havent bought a heap of stuff but what I did came quickly and was of good enough quality and it is so cheap.

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