Bored shit-posting

So is communism and its proved to be successful time and time again. Lol.



Crazy how fast he’s blown up, but the song definitely resonates with the silent majority.


Go girl soccer!


I dont know how the hell they’re meant to win this shit, I mean they only have one indigenous and not even one bloody trans!
What about Ukraine and the polar bears?

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So I have to go to work tomorrow?

Fucking hell albo


I know we need manufacturers like this but does the military industrial complex have to make promo videos like it is the start of a dystopian movie?

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@JizzFlinger on point, does have that vibe.

Gosh dont google british womens soccer nudes whatever you do. That damn AI makes the shower scenes really believeable. Im still studying them closely to make an informed decision, I don’t want to be a victim of misinformation.

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Earlier on i thought i was either having a serious acid flashback or those mushrooms @JizzFlinger sent me weren’t really shiitakes, but it turns out i was just watching Zardoz.
Has anyone else seen it? Like what the actual fucking fuck?


Its much better on shiitakes or so I’m told :wink:

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I keep having this flashback of the He Man movie from the 80s (Masterbators Of The Universe) and Gwildor is eating bbq ribs and drinking the sauce. I think that was the moment that BBQ was planted in my brain.

In the same scene, I think Sheeba is eating BBQ ribs and realises half way through they are from an animal and starts complaining and going vegan about them and calling it barbaric. That was the moment misogyny was planted in my psyche. No bitch talks about baby backs like that!


Absolute LEGEND status!!!


Forida man.

Every. Single. Time.

20 thousend dollar gun.
10 weeks reloading, with no sleep or meal breaks.
1 minute of live fire at the range.

… priceless!


One of my Brothers is a Florida man. Bastard could go out and buy a legal full auto UZI easier than you or I could get a legal .22 handgun.
And he owns no guns at all…

Over .50 cal each round is a destructive device and has to be separately registered.

If they’re fast enough to catch one mid flight they’re welcome to confiscate it :laughing:.

I never realised Florida was one of the good gun states, can’t believe your Bro is letting the team down so badly lol.