Bored shit-posting

Saw this & it made me laugh.


We’ll have to start doing xmas ones soon.

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I’m sure my daughter said she needed some Star Wars lego, i’d better go shopping. :grin:

I have a a red and a black interracial gay couple of Elfs On the Shelf.

What you guys do behind closed doors is not of my business.

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Some insane skills there!

Imagine going through some old containers and coming across these little gems. What’s the bet the next container’s full of new/old AK’s. :smiley:


Why is it never in front of the trail camera :unamused:

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Is that deer or goat, or something else all together?
What animals can you even hunt in your country mate?
P.s. “Mate” means friend or pal in our country…

Google Translated from West Ganistan to Australian hope it comes through okay. (There was an old deer farm down the hill from us but could be goats as well, There is a few of them around. I thought by the low number of tracks it would be deer. I’ve only seen goats in numbers of 5 or more. )


Saw this and just had to re post it. It is so relatable to me I laughed.


I laughed out loud!

This guy is going to appear in the Darwin Award before too long!

He’s been doing these videos for years. It never gets old… so fickin’ hilarious every single time! :joy::rofl::rofl:

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You know what i find crazy?
The states with the majority of the indigenous population were the biggest No votes, I really thought that WA and NT would of been Yes states.


Ive been biting my lip on this issue and resisted making any comments as it is so political.
However yes I agree with you it would have made sense. But then again there was quite a bit of No Vote campaigners from the indigenous population so that may be the explanation.
For me there was just so much nonsense being talked about. All the disadvantages the yes side were claiming where State issues and not fedral and even then things like poorer health and shorter life expectancy in my opinion are more about personal lifestyle choices rather than any barrier to entry. In my personal experience with the education department indigenous peoples have more opportunity accessibility than your everyday Australian Citizen.

Much like womens rights I dont know of any rights that an Indigenous person does not have compared to ordinary citizens.


Yes, but the thoughts I heard out of the NT were that it would just be another trough for a few hundred people in Sydney and Melbourne and make SFA difference for countrymen .
Right or wrong that’s the perception.


I agree. If you want change in a local community you have to make the change at the local community level.


Now we just need a royal commission into why the reportedly 38 billion dollars a year that go into indigenous services and programs are not closing the gap. (This is me parroting what a bloke at the range said this morning, I have no fucking idea how much is actually spent)

I agree, we all have the same rights already in this country, men, women, black, white, Christian, Muslim, Hindu, whatever you are, whete ever you are. If you’re Aussie, you’re Aussie and thats that!

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Here in Western NSW, the electorates with the highest Indigenous populations had the highest No votes.
It would have just created another self appointed group in Canberra with their snouts in the trough, costing 100’s of millions per year and made sweet fuck all difference out in the communities.
The $400M it cost could have made a real difference spent elsewhere.