Bored shit-posting

Thats normal for a soccer team isnt it?


Kinda sums up my marriage :rofl:

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You smoking shisha while your wife pegs you?

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I see what I see, donā€™t judge!

Well he is a Western Australian shooter so you know hes used to taking it in the arse!

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No, you can clearly see itā€™s a loving relationship. Not enough participants on the left for WA shooters.

Or on the right for that matter.

I just about had a heart attack when Arnold put her penalty against the post.

Looking forward to the semis. If we play England, the game is going to actually be at the same time as a work meeting with the UK. I think thatā€™s going to be one very unproductive call.


Apparently thats a male prostitute the Sumerians invited. I guess they exchanged beer for bonga.

I mention pegging and @JizzFlinger appears, impressive.


Shut up bonga boy. Fetch us another vat of beer.

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Gee I was just talking about taking advantage of her when sheā€™s drinkingā€¦

Hopefully thatā€™s still legal

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Brandon Harrera is running for the US Congress.
Make America Texas again! Not a bad sloganā€¦

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Funny but not funny

Having fun plinking away and one of my little duckies flew away. 5min plinking 60 min looking for ducky. :unamused: :sob: :cry:


Iā€™m Running For Congress

Ummmmm okay lmao

I vote for @bentaz

I may run for local council when i retire next year!
Not in texas though mate.

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Itā€™s ok, you will have something to work on :slight_smile:

Libertarian is such a teenage worldview

Totally, I prefer Objectivism. Boom!

Mullman, I disagree. Maybe thinking about it in a purist definition or the philosophy - perhaps, it takes a mix of thingsā€¦ However, political interpretation of Libertarianism has merit.