Bored shit-posting

@Gwion it’s still got the original red under the beige few little chips in the top coat of paint and it shows through

@JizzFlinger yeah mate pretty stoked! Got it for a steal i reckon they don’t come up like this to often

The tray will go eventually its done its time i’ll probably get a 79 series tray to put on it if it’ll fit

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Is it gonna be a farm truck or are we talking a 1H swap? (fte…FTE!)

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Magic Minutes. Far from bored at least I was for those few magic minutes while I plinked away like I had dreamed of in my head. Just like back in Disney land using the shooting gallery joy rides in Adventure Land. I had a perfect score on the metal silhouettes with a easy to use rapid fire gun. I was happy like a little kid in pure bliss.


Are you okay @Sungazer? You look awfully pale.

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Only in Murica…Awesome!!

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I am not a parent or foster carer so I thought I would reach out to those who are ? This WA gov doc guides when the gov has a say and when the foster carer has. It is probably harmless but some of these things where the gov has a say over the carer seem odd to me. I guess the kid is a ward of the state but I thought the idea of fosters is to create a homely environment as close to possible as if the kids were their own or are they meant to just hotel the kid ?

Deciding if the kid can have a sleep over or apply parental control to devices seems to me should be the fosters option.

I think I remember shitting myself near these on the way to Sungazers place last year.

I think some of the restrictions are because the state absorbs a lot the potential liability risk from the foster parents.

A couple of them may seem silly, but can definitely see why. Happy to chat more in the lounge; I’ve done some work in this space.

Similar to how in a care home, the body who runs it is generally liable for incidents rather than the staff.

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Appreciate the reply,
Not wanting to go down the rabbit hole of why and how kids end up there, I just wasn’t sure on how the whole thing worked. If liability sits with the state, then to grossly simplify it, in my mind fosters are hostels/daycare with a bit more love and no extra money.

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I’ll give the benefit of the doubt that they are reserving the right to insist on parental controls rather than refusing to allow people to install them.

The Mrs and I are absolute tyrants with technology but that’s because we were the first generation to grow up with TVs and computers in bedrooms and know better.

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I’m starting to wonder if one of my safes might be getting a little full, what do you guys think? :grin:

Lol you wish

YES, yes i do.

And for the millionths time, please stop using my apartment for photos.

At first i thought that was my missus shoe rack.

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Did you know about the history of the humble drinking straw?

It was first used by SUMERIANS! Yeah!!
3000BC, somewhere in Mesopotamia which is like Iraq or something these days, these awesome dudes were brewing beer in vats that were too big to carry around. So they used straws! They’d st around it in a group like some big turkish bong and take hits I guess.

Kinda gross, imagine the backwash! Other interesting things about these brewers, they got their wives to brew it NAKED. Look at that big ol booty ass brewing dump truck milk jug tiddy machine go!

Honey I brewed

Jsut don’t ask about the yeast. Also, dont fall asleep at the bar or else you will get death by bonga:


Matildas going into penalties, arghhhhh intense.

Arghh yes!

History made


And not a testicle between them… GO GIRLS!!

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