Bored shit-posting


Have you ever had a HSP? They hit different with garlic sauce.

An ungodly creation of flavour and heart disease.

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This is an absolute banger

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Weak. I reckon a much harder hitting version could be done.

Still cool effort though.


I liked it, but imagining an @JizzFlinger version scares the shit out of me. :grinning: if one person could take it one step beyond he is your man.


Yeah the original talked about thalidomide

Fall out boy pulled some punches

Fallout boy has something to lose though. I can respect it.

PLUS Id have to deal with the other timeline shifts recently as everyone remembers it was EVERGREEN that blocked up the Suez.
The Mandela effect is REAL :scream:

We need to shut down CERN before we open a portal to hell where men chop off their dicks to appease a rainbow god, women with 34DD cut them iff and mothers have sex with strange men and sell the display to other strange men!
Not under my watch!


Okay then

The top one is seems to be a very smart ad.

Did Dictator Dan actually just make a good call?? This must be opposite day or something? I wish the dumb mole up here would do the same thing for the 2032 Olympics.

Say what???

He pulled the pin and withdrew Vic from hosting them the Comm Games in 2026.

Yeah Victoria need the money to fix the health system, the roads etc.

Na, just kidding lets spend it on herion injection places!


Hey haven’t you heard “Scumbag Lives Matter”…And their comfort is important too…

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What’s funny is that they’re putting the second one not too far from Parliament on Bourke.

A much better spot than the Richmond one.

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Bought myself an old farm truck that i’m going to get back on the road, drove it home with a movememt permit ( WA thing ) so we’re off to a great start, was apparently an old rfs nsw fire appliance


Wow that looks clean, straight & cancer free, not sure about the Nimitz flight deck though lol.

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Looks like a fun project… paint it fire engine red, please! It will help the aerodynamics; you’ll get more top end & save fuel!



Assuming you got it for the right price, you won the internet for today.

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