Bored shit-posting

Well it sounds like you deserve a rest pour a drink turn on the TV ch96 Expedition Unknown The Rat line to Argentina tonight, or read a book something to unwind. Dismantle a gun that one that pops a piece across the room then put it back together. :grin:


Considering what I should buy next. Very limited options. I really want KRG Bravo chassis for 457, but I want it in Sako Green and there’s about a zero available, even with my google-foo.

Just in case any of you Elitist assholes (government planning wars, not you fellas!) have any plans.

Im considering a sheep rifle…223 Sauer 100 Classic timber, now we have an optics 3P class…

Honey, I baked!

First crack at a turkish pide, the Ramadan style one. Really high hydration dough, us wet as hell, but with only three slap and folds it came together like a big jelly fat womans ass cheeks as you slap it and shape it and stretch it and cover it with a stick coating if eggwash all over it, putting dimples in it with your stucky eggy fingers and then sprinkle nigella and seasame all over it just so others know you been here first.

Needed better base heat like a stone or a baking steel. I used a bain marie pan and baking paper.


Looks oks good enough to eat, mate :nerd_face::+1:

I went to Sydney Tools for the first time. Fuck me, thats a dangerous place to take a pocket full of cash.


Yep, them and Total tools, i never escape either unscathed.

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Hare & Forbes makes Total tools like a kiddies shop. Its the big boys toy shop.


100% it makes me drool, but unfortunately i don’t have room for a workshop with the cool big stuff here, but when i find the acres i want…Giggity Giggity!!

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Hairy Forbes has some good tools, majority of it is Chinese though. I have a HF lathe, its Chinese…the electrics are shit, but the rest of the machine has been pretty good. Had the motor to the the motor winders once, for a new starter

Inside you are two wolves

One wants to get holster qualified at the pistol range Saturday 9am

The other wants to sight in the 308 at the rifle range at the same time

Both will sleep in


Your 9am is Australian 11am, so isnt it already a sleep in?


Er kinda

I’ll be up at six

Fucking around until seven packing (especially since I just wasted half an hour looking for my bipod with no luck)

Jarrahdale rifle range is an hour drive

Pistol club is 30 minutes

Reckon I’ll try and do the rifle


Sorry your wake up call is a few minutes late but the is Australian time. I am sure in Wait A While you will still be able to make it. :smiley:

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Budget gun complete.
$900 rifle (ATA Turqua 308)
$250 second hand scope (Articfox 6-25x44 with illuminated reticle)

No match for the Lithgow Signature Series 223 / Leupold 4-12x44 combo but I’m happy with it as is, I only really bought it for political reasons but now I’m with a group that does projects including pigs it will come in handy.


What is it mate?

Edited with details. Probably in the wrong thread but the janny can sort that out later. Also have a pile of brass for the kids to sort from my two outings this week.

Work has been hectic so it’s probably two months since I got a decent shoot in, but at least it paid for all the factory ammo :rofl:

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I made greek pitas and some souvlakia on skewers. Charcoal is king. Garlic sauce is old 80s style fish and chip shop souvlakia style, not the tzatziki thats everywhere these days. Nostalgia hit, garliccy, salty. Feels like 1990’s waiting for the .90c minimum chips to feed you when you put $1 in the street fighter 2 machine like a stiyupud malaka!

Also Im out of lettuce so its parsley time.


Now you just need to get really shitfaced stumble past your kitchen for a kebab at about 4am, leave your money on the counter & forget you change, then jump in a taxi for a trip around the block while talking shit to the driver and spilling your kebab in the back seat and back home to bed.

FULL 90’s flashback package and will enhance the kebabs flavour tenfold!!