Bored shit-posting

Go Bombers!

I think your mixed up, we haven’t played each other since ANZAC day and we beat you then!
I agree, fuck Carlton, go bombers.

Uh, yes, oooops, lol

I don’t know about you, but I’ve decided that hearing aids can get fucked!

Ok but a little bit more detail or explanation would be of benefit

Fair call.
A week and a half ago I got fitted for hearing aids, I hate them, they make my ears itch / tickle and I can only put up with them for a short while.
Did I mention that I hate them?
To sum up… I’ve decided that hearing aids can get fucked!

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Fair enough my Grand mother wouldnt wear hers because she didn’t like to hear things like the toilet flushing, kettle boiling ect.

I already have selective hearing and dont hear the wife bitching at me to clean up stuff. of all the senses Its one I could live without if I was forced to.

But give them a fair go. All the best mate with all your health issues esp that back I can so relate to.

Cheeres mate. Backs pretty good these days, I’ve been smashing the gym, physio and hydro. I can run a bit, do 15 push ups and touch my toes now!
Happy days…

Yeah I’ve had a fair bit of hearing loss since 2004, I agreed to trying the hearing aids so that I could turn the tv down a bit so the missus could hear herself think in the next room, but I doubt shes really thinking about anything important anyway so fuck it! Lol…
I can’t help but lip read even when theyre in and it turn out the rest of the world is pretty noisy and annoying when you can hear it.


Well, I don’t know about anyone else but I am not happy about Australia being the first one, outside of china, to introduce a Central Bank Digital Currency CBDC. While it looks convenient I suspect it will be abused to restrict purchasing certain items in the guise of global warning and public safety. Same as how some vendors will not allow gun shops to use their POS systems.

making Australia a leader in global payments, including through work in the G20 and the Pacific to improve the availability of fast, low‑cost international transfers, and piloting a central bank digital currency.

I wish there was alternative reaction to a heart for posts… maybe a skull or something :neutral_face:

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Try this, A pile of steaming shit. :poop:or shit stirring :shitstir:

So i am a self confessed troglodyte, whats the difference between this imaginary money and the stuff in my keycard?

The main difference is that your current money is controlled through your bank, and if you don’t like them, you can move your money to another bank that better aligns with your beliefs. A central bank is essentially one bank run by the gov or rba, and you’ll have no choice to move if they decide on a policy you don’t agree with. I imagine they would still maintain the big 4 but only as intermediaries.

I think fundamentally how we use cards won’t change but having everyone’s money in one bank essentially, will be much easier for them to limit you to $100 of diesel a month or 250gm of beef a month for the same of the environment.

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So is this part of getting rid of cash all together?

A central bank by definition won’t ever let you make deposits with them though. They’ll only transact with other financial services institutions for reasons such as capital adequacy.

They do influence the other banks to some degree through their regulatory roles for ADI, but it’s on matters such as financial risk.

Also to remember, the RBA is independent from government to some degree, evidenced by some of the political shit fighting about interest rates.

Australia has tried this in the past already, I can’t see any appetite to return to this. Commonwealth Bank used to have central bank powers, whilst being a government owned and operated retail/commercial bank.

That is my understanding

Yeah, the central bank is owned by the Reptilian-childs, isnt it?

The past few years has made me a bit suspicious of what gov’s are doing and I feel a drive to push people to digital id’s and cashless payments are a form of control and not just for convenience. On face value most of this stuff looks innocent but it is the same steps china is using for implementation for their social credit system.

Like honestly, Chalmers coming out and saying they are getting rid of checks. Is that really a massive issue worth introducing a new bill ? There has to be another reason that should have been the headline but it wasn’t, they chose the most insignificant thing as justification.

a drive to push people to digital id’s and cashless payments are a form of control

To a degree yes; much easier to report on, and find potential issues.
There were a lot of things that came out in the Royal Commission about the banking industry’s failure to comply with AML-CTF laws. I think there’s some hope that digital systems and the reduction in cash would make these things easier to track.

There were some real whoppers that got past the banks, such as Westpac allowing transations overseas to fund child abuse.

china is using for implementation for their social credit system

The financial services industry already does this to some degree in part to be competitive, and AML-CTF requirements; KYC and other customer analytics allow us to make assessments about consumer behaviour, which can influence pricing and product access.

Obviously a big step between government vs. private companies doing it, but it already happens.

I don’t know enough about the checks change tbh.

I really need to get into Bitcoin

I said that years ago when it was $80