Why the lack of modern straight pull centrefires?

Here you go, @Nomis - domestically made, multiple calibres…


…and a cool $4,000 (or just shy off) price tag. Mmmmm, yeah, nah.

What it needs is a blowback system and a lever release, then we’d be talking… As is, sort of neither here nor there. :’(

Haha. I was going to post this. Looks cool AF but yeah, not going to happen at that price.


Rather than everyone making the same “I can’t believe it’s not an AR-15” (there, I said it) and basically daring the antis to ban it, how about someone make something interesting like a Dragunov or PSG-1.

Yes, they’ll probably fall afoul of the appearance laws in NSW and WA, but realistically they’re not likely to sell large numbers due to our small market anyway so does it really matter if they sell a half a dozen fewer - especially if they’re the same ridiculous price all the other locally-made straight-pull rifles are?

You mean like this:



Exactly like that; but they’d need to make it here because there’s no way that’s getting past Customs.

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Ozzie Reviews just did a vid on a Beretta straight pull that’s yet to be released

Apparently the RRP is 2.5k for it as well, so similar range as the Savage.

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Bushmaster Announces the New BA30 Straight-Pull Bolt Action Rifle
Bushmaster Announces the New BA30 Straight-Pull Bolt Action Rifle - The Truth About Guns


FIMS BullPup Rifle Breakdown - YouTube

And a bit of background listening.
A Q&A with the guys at FIMS firearms (Creators of the FIMS SPBP rifle) - YouTube

Decided to dive into it, after seeing a FB post of someone in QLD with one… So maybe at least 1 is in the country :slight_smile:

That looks cool AF!

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Looks like there’s a second one

Someone is selling for $7k

…and a couple more.
Arttech launches new pump-action and straight-pull rifles in Australia - Sporting Shooter.

I hope they haven’t used the same shitty trigger group as the turkish shotties, it would be really noticeable on the rifles. Not sure how I feel about the spring assist on the pump, would have to try it i guess.

I am assuming the REM 7600 is discontinued and they took advantage of the market gap.

I recon it would be the same.

The 7600 aint that good either but I am imagining my adler trigger in my 7600 is the experience you would get with this.

In theme…

@Supaduke interesting observation about fast shooting on the clock :slight_smile: So so true.