FYI site is a bit neglected, but found his details in my emails… Not sure if it’s still going, but its’ here anyway.
Terminator Products
Custom Rifles & Muzzle Brakes
Business land line +64 3 5477990
Mobile Phone +64 27 245 0452
New Zealand
Yep update decided to go with the T3 and will shim it sent the money and waiting for its arrival bought from Terminator Products NZ very easy to deal with and very helpful very happy so far Cheers and thanks to those that helped me decide
Well muzzle brake arrived this morning nice piece of machinery will shim rather than strip barrel and remove metal probably could remove metal from the brake but prefer not to so then the big test just trying to decide what to shin with I have some washers ‘‘carbon’’ I used for the old fuel lines similar to car sump plug washers they compact very well and water proof or maybe brass shim it won’t need much about 1/8’’ to far i’ll gauge it soon to find shim thickness needed Tuesday till early today till pick up from NZ how’s that for service
Yeah mate hope so been looking around at the shimming washers available on google then I saw some were using just plain stainless washers so might have a look in the shed I have quiet a few stainless washers of all sizes I might find what i’m looking for in there i’ll take the lips off with valve grinding paste if needed
Nah didn’t work Bent_arrow couldn’t find any washers close to what I want but I found stuff I didn’t think I still had , stuff I didn’t think I owned and stuff I thought I had lost so it wasn’t a total loss of a few hrs I will email Greg from Terminator products and see if they sell shims if so i’ll get some sent over these buggers here in Australia seem to hard to chase up to get info so i’ll deal with NZ very easy to deal with I’ve only bought a muzzle brake but price was good and here in 3-4 days if all goes well it takes that and a bit more at times to buy it in Australia then there’s all the chasing around to find what ever you’re looking for only to find they’re out of stock maybe i’m too picky or just lazy
Do you think that would work and would it tighten up enough I had thought of some thin aluminium plate and cut some out of that but couldn’t find any left in the shed at the moment I think i’m suffering from lack of resources
I don’t know what went on just then JS I went to mail and I may have unsubscribed something just ignore anything I’ve done if I’ve feked up i’m no hero on these wheel barrows or what ever they are
I have a Skinner peep sight with interchangeable aperture/diopter rings. When I shoot the gun, I notice that vibrations slowly but surely back the ring out (i.e. unscrew it) from the base. It’s only finger tightened. I am thinking blue Loctite, when I get around to it. Just thought I’d mention this, since you are not using lock nut. Wouldn’t want your brake flying down range. Spring washer, rubber (although that will melt or degrade over time), something too keep the pressure on would be useful. Loctite would also help, but don’t use the red one.
Right-o I’ve got some blue locktite from when I put my scope on that should do hey, I’ve just found my old pipe wrap around something you use for wrapping around large pipe ie 1m-2m dia for marking ready for cutting it’s made from high density carbon paper .68mm thick and water proof its made like the old black carbon gaskets but harder anyway should work and a couple coke can washers to finish
Well got my brake fitted and tried it out and does anyone want to buy a T3 muzzle brake I thought my head was going to split after 4 shots not only that my rifle doesn’t like a brake poi is in the example as pics after half dozen shots it came loose they said that was impossible but hey proofs in the pudding so I left it off and it will stay in the gun safe a $275 f!ck up in my mind wasn’t so much the noise but the concussion had a head ache in 3 shots but I was warned and now I know
Yeah had plugs and muffs on and in but the worst was the concussion I had to move the barrel till it was over the edge of the shooting bench but that was not much better i’m not changing the ammo it shoots good now maybe invest in some painkillers when i’m hurting cheaper than a muzzle in some ways as you can see 6 shots all touching in an inch
Really? I shoot 308 with MB - quality hearing pro, make sure you are sitting behind the rifle lol, it’s perfectly fine. I’ve shot’s @Brett’s cannons too, all seemed okay, with quality hearing pro and being BEHIND the gun. Maybe you are being a tad too dramatic
Or, here’s an interesting observation, at the pistol range someone was shooting something (handgun’ish, pretty sure it was SA 45LC of some sort) and it never happened before, but that time, maybe I was on some angle that I wasn’t before, but it was amazingly loud, I had to put plugs in under the hearing pro. So it could be that you are near something and sound bouncing in ways you didn’t expect through gas ports. Quite possible, I suppose, since I’ve experienced that with handguns.
Or you’re being a drama queen, it’s one of the two
Come to think of it it’s probably both with my table I sit ever so slightly to the left so possibly might have something to do with it but having to carry ear muffs and plugs for hunting I think is a little over kill for me especially humping the muffs around but on saying that I wouldn’t dare fire it without protection i’m half deaf now so after firing with brake and no muffs I would be completely deaf in 0ne hunting trip if I had to shoot something i’m trying hard to give it another go but i’m totally pissed off and don’t want to tinker with the load incase the brake don’t work for me