What other hobbies do you have?

Mainly fishing and camping.

Hmmm, You sound like most of my mates, especially the “drinking others” bit (others being code for mine lol)…:face_with_raised_eyebrow: :rofl::beers:

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Sounds like mine, but hey she’s your problem now… :rofl: (just joking lol)…

Seriously though I’m getting keen to give this horse archery a crack… Been quite interested ever since I first seen you speak of it… :beers:

I think @GUN-DMC can help you with a horse, you can practice your archery on, @darwindingo . That’s what you meant, right?

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Not exactly, but I do like horse jerky, so I would happily give that a crack too :sunglasses:

Dingo, look up medieval horse sports Australia

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They have jousting at kryal Castle in Ballarat.

That’s something I’ve always wanted to have a go at. Costs a sh@tload to start-up but. :+1:

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Come spring/summer fly fishing takes over. In the Kiewa River, West Kiewa River and the Mitta Mitta River. To hot for hunting up here, you have have to get up really early in the morning to have a chance…I can’t be bothered anymore. For the fly fishing I use an Orvis Helios #5 weight and mainly use nymphs with an indicator.


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You missed “Playing mind games with Simone”, “Official Krusty Brand photographer” :slight_smile:

Hahaha thats more of past time than a hobby :slight_smile:

I’ve recently been spending a bunch of my time on my aquarium, have just finished building and setting up a new 4ft sump filter, which is cycling now with just a couple of fish in the main tank.
I used to breed a lot of cichlids (read 1000s) when we lived in Townsville but it got to hard for it to be fun once moving to the cold. I’ve always had fish an turtles n stuff but have been more interested in cold water and ponds and stuff the last 10 years or so.
I really get into the geek / diy side of fish keeping and have built a bunch of different filters up to the size of wheelie bins and ibc’s. I’m always tinkering with my above ground pond and have it running now so that I only need to top it up from time to time and don’t need any water changes or chemicals (Other than a hand full of pool salt every now n then) and when I do water changes on the tank inside I just swap water back n forwards from the pond.
My ponds currently are stocked with Murray cod, tandanus catfish and some big goldfish , have tried to establish both snails n shrimp in the pond but the catfish destroy them all so I’m going g to try breeding them up in the filter and let the excess make their way into the danger zone.
Aquaponics have also been an interest of mine and I’m thinking of getting that going again now that the horse is gone .

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My wife keeps bugging me about aquaponics and has joked (I think) about turning the pool into one.

Aquaponics is huge over your way. You should tell her to checkout http://www.backyardaquaponics.com/
They have a great forum.
Also if I had a pool it would be full of fish.

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I don’t have a pool. But! I have a laptop and that’s may as good and happens to be my other hobby. :slight_smile:

Bayonets, I’m possibly more a bayonet fanatic than a gun collector. Still within a single century from 1850 to 1950, and have passed 600 now.

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Wow was that a big moment. The horse is gone.

I personally had to reassure @GUN-DMC that everything will be okay, but we got through it in the end. He’s doing a lot better now.

Wait a minute. Where did the horse go @GUN-DMC

She sold it