What I did in guns this week.

Yep firearms wise about a dozen handguns & rifles, and a shit load of ammo. There’s a post about it with more detail somewhere in the Lounge section, It happened while we were away over the 2023/24 Xmas/New years break.

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Well I got out to the range for the first time in a month (been sick/injured) and shoot a few matches, couple of Service matches and a couple of Tyros.
Shot a perfect tyro score with the old Margolin, much to the dismay of the guy next to me with his tricked out race gun. Lol .
Now to cleaning and then catching up on all the scores so I can get a scorers report ready before the meeting on Wednesday.


Are you the handicapper as well. That is a difficult job and nearly everyone hates you for it. at least it feels that way.

Thankfully I don’t have to do that. It’s mostly just to record members attendances.

Took two mates who had never shot a pistol before down to a public range, both had a great time


Sent my fully semi-automatic rimfire CZ rifle to Queensland (the new owner doesn’t know it’s an automatic weapon yet but Paul Papalia assures everyone here that’s true…)

And after stood at a pre-polling booth handing out how to votes alongside the shooters union WA rep and another shooter repping the nats for a couple of hours.

Quietly praying for a bit of democracy manifest



Put in a couple of PTA’s & now sitting here waiting on a murder death kill fully automatic weapon of war mass destruction carnage and human suffering to arrive from the Peoples Republic of Western Dictatorship.

Quietly praying for Papalia and his ilk to get a nasty dose of cancer um I mean Karma.

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Hopefully you get it today. If this pesky cyclone knew QLD had that kind of heavy artillery it’d think twice about turning west and making landfall!